Friday, May 31, 2019
Being Different - Short Story Essay examples -- Papers
Being Different - Short Story Matthew had lived down the street from me nigh my life, and yet I still knew very little about him except for his name and his disability. Poor Matthew had been born retarded, and also owned many slight disabilities which make the mere act of living more difficult than it should have to be. Matthew was now a luxuriant grown man but he had the mind of a nine year old. He looked like an adult, but his actions and behaviour were definitely those of a young child. He walked with difficulty, and was visibly clumsy and uncoordinated. Life had not been favourable for Matthew, and it seemed the older he was, the harder things got. When he was younger, even though he was teased by his peers he at least appeared to fit in with his classmates. Even though at second glance, it was easy to recognize the differences between Matthew and the other kids, Matthew did not really stand out in the crowd. Now as a full grown man Matthew loo ked out of place, no matter where he was, or who he was with. I ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Network :: essays research papers
A computer network is a group of interconnected computers that move accomplish many important tasks. To define computer networking you should define networks. A network is composed of two or people or objects, using a unwashed language, and they have something to share. In computer networking the two or more objects are the computer or terminal. This can consist have an IBM 3270 terminal and go with mainframe, to a stand-al champion computer. The computer is usually an IBM PC personal computer or clone licensed copy of a PC, usually cheaply made. The common language or protocol is necessary for the communicators to be able to understand each other. We take for granted simple things like who talks first, how long they talk, and how to cobblers last a conversation. A protocol addresses these and more. The common protocol is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP/IP is the protocol of the Internet. Internet is actually the short gain of the word Internet work. Internet work m eans a network of networks. At one time, all of the different networks economic consumptiond different protocols. A user could talk to others on their network, but not to someone on a different network. The protocol TCP/IP solves this problem. It is what allows a person on one network to communicate with a person on a different network. When I mentioned something to share in the network definition, it can be anything, an idea, document, or greeting. Networking allows use of applications on other computers, electronic mail (email), and real time discussions in chat rooms. The types of networks are classified as distributive or centralized. In a centralized network, processing occurs at one place and requests are made of the processing from terminals. A mainframe computer with attached terminals is a great mannequin of centralized network. The terminals communicate with the mainframe to accomplish tasks. A distributive network spreads processing power to the individual computers. N etworked PCs are a great example. Tasks are well-bred at the computer and at other computers using communication. In the definition of a network the computer ironware is considered part of the user in this definition. The hardware used to connect to other computers is considered part of the protocol.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
racism Essay -- essays research papers fc
RacismRacism, what does that word mean. To many people it means that ones ethnic timeworn is superior to others, but this is the dictionary definition. To me racism is hate crimes, people bias towards certain ethnic groups, ignorance, intolerance. Hate crimes happen a lot because of racism, for example in Georgia two pureness males beat a black man and drag him behind their truck in till his head was ripped off.( All of this because of his fur ruse. Hitler killed all those Jews because he thought he was better than them, more superior to them. Certain ethnic groups are sometimes bias to other ethnic groups. same(p) the whites intend that the blacks are not as good because they have dark skin. A good example of the whites not liking the blacks is the KKK, they are a organize group of whites that dont like the blacks.(Ethics and Values volume 7) Back in the day the whites would have blacks as there slaves, make them work with turn up receive ing any money for it.Ignorance, what is ignorance. The dictionary says that it is the lack of knowledge or understanding. that is part of racism. Some ethnic groups dont understand others so they automatically think they are better. The best way to fight racism is for a more critical scence for all people because the privilage of whiteness has made many whites either inefficient to talk about race or very uncomfortable doing so. we never hear people reflect on what it feels like and means to be white except for that irritating angry white male talk. Mostly for ethnic groups like Jews, Irish, Italions, who have been descriminated against on a basis of ethnicity.(Cornel West) Every one has had their taw at defining race Theologins had their shot for hundreds of years. Then scientists took over in the nineteeth century. social scienetists have dominated the twentiah century definitions of race. ( dogwood tree West)Some people think that color blindness is the answer to racial divides but how many white people realize that this means more than other races giving up their indentifications and thinking of themselves as individuals. In south africa they are setting up to find ways to stop racism in advertising.( Gomes - Sheftel Nasoan, Racism, ) ... ...worthescaped my soul.You were vultures wanting to leave me with only a shell.You almost succededYet I have removed your curse.This poem is about her being a minority and getting called names by people. She says that when she was growing up she was different. Racism in any form is a realistic and homble way of thinking.Ive found out that Racism isnt just a word, it is a feeling, thought, action. Racism still exists today and will probably exists forever. There will all ways be that one person who thinks he is better than another(prenominal) person. And Because of this I dont think that there is a way to ever stop racism. There are only ways to help agree it down. If you see some one experiencing hate because of there race, you could help them out by telling the person doing it to older brother, January 6, 2002Gomes - Sheftel Nasoan, Racism, Therosen publishing group incWest, cornel Race Matters, Beacon Press Boston 1997Ethics and Values Volume7, Racism - slander, grolier educational 1999Juneau Empire, January 7, 2002
Compare and Contrast All Quiet on the Western Front and Dulce et Decoru
The poem Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen has a lot In commonwith All Quiet on the Western Front. By Erich Remarque althoughRemarque never fought in the 1st World War.The Imagery in the prose is more detailed as it has more time todescribe everything The field are flat. Some people think that thisis better and it gives it a bit more feeling. Were as in the poem,Owen uses lots of short hard hitting language such as Obscene as cancerThe poem gives a much more immediate effect in a shorter s chiliad oftime. The vision in the poem is quick and dramatic.The titles of the pieces are ironic All Quiet on the Western Frontand dulce et Decorum est which actor it is fitting and right. In the rime everything is tired in the first stanza Of tired, outstrippedFive-Nines This is a hyperbole as bombs dont become tired. The wholeof the war became a sluggish battle. It is also a slow pace to startwith in the prose with men looking forward to getting back the hutsfor some rest.I wish I were back home. Home - he means the hutsIn the second Stanz...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Shakespeares Soliloquies - Hamlet’s Soliloquy Essay -- The Tragedy of
Hamlets Soliloquy The purpose of a soliloquy is to outline the thoughts and feelings of a current character at a point in the play. It reveals the innermost beliefs of the character and offers an unbiased perspective as it is merely the character talking to the audience, albeit not directly, and not to any other characters who may cause the character to withhold their true opinions. Therefore, Hamlets first soliloquy (act 1, scene 2) is essential to the play as it highlights his inner impinge caused by the events of the play. It reveals his true feelings and as such emphasizes the difference between his public appearance, his attitude towards Claudius in the previous scene is less confrontational than here where he is directly insulted as a satyr, and his feelings within himself. In this essay, I will outline how Shakespeare communicates the turmoil of Hamlets psyche. Hamlets despair stems from his mothers marriage to his uncle and it is this that is the driving force asshole what is communicated. His constant repetition of the time in which it took the two to get married, But two months dead...yet within a month...A little month...Within a month...most wicked speed, suggests his drive at the situation and that it is not necessarily the nature of their incestuous relationship that troubles Hamlet more the short time in which it occurred. In fact, this is especially salubrious communicated to the audience as, throughout the soliloquy, the passage of time that Hamlet describes gets less from two months to Within a month. This has the effect of outlining Hamlets supposed contempt of his mother for however mourning a month whilst also highlighting that it is the time involved that is vexing him a... ...t only through the diction but also through the imagery, spoken language and underlying messages of the text. It successfully highlights the divisions of character of Hamlet whilst aiding the audience in building a connection with him. Works Cited and Co nsulted Boklund, Gunnar. Hamlet. Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press, 1965. Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. capital of Massachusetts Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Mack, Maynard. The World of Hamlet. Yale Review. vol. 41 (1952) p. 502-23. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. http// No line nos.
Shakespeares Soliloquies - Hamlet’s Soliloquy Essay -- The Tragedy of
junctures Soliloquy The purpose of a soliloquy is to outline the thoughts and feelings of a certain disposition at a point in the play. It reveals the innermost beliefs of the character and offers an unbiased perspective as it is merely the character talking to the audience, albeit not directly, and not to any other characters who may cause the character to withhold their true opinions. Therefore, Hamlets first soliloquy (act 1, scene 2) is essential to the play as it highlights his inner conflict caused by the events of the play. It reveals his true feelings and as such emphasizes the oddment between his public appearance, his attitude towards Claudius in the previous scene is less confrontational than here where he is directly insulted as a satyr, and his feelings at heart himself. In this essay, I will outline how Shakespeare communicates the turmoil of Hamlets psyche. Hamlets despair stems from his mothers marriage to his uncle and it is this that is the driving force be hind what is communicated. His constant repetition of the time in which it took the devil to get married, But two months dead...yet within a month...A little month...Within a month...most wicked speed, suggests his disgust at the situation and that it is not necessarily the character of their incestuous relationship that troubles Hamlet more the short time in which it occurred. In fact, this is especially well communicated to the audience as, throughout the soliloquy, the passage of time that Hamlet describes gets less from two months to Within a month. This has the effect of outlining Hamlets supposed contempt of his mother for only mourning a month whilst also set off that it is the time involved that is vexing him a... ...t only through the diction but also through the imagery, language and underlying messages of the text. It successfully highlights the divisions of character of Hamlet whilst aiding the audience in building a connection with him. Works Cited and Consulted Bok lund, Gunnar. Hamlet. Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press, 1965. Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Mack, Maynard. The World of Hamlet. Yale Review. vol. 41 (1952) p. 502-23. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. http// No line nos.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Lab 5 Cellular Respiration
Lab 5cellular breathing Introduction Cellular cellular ventilating system is an ATP-producing catabolic process in which the ultimate negatron acceptor is an inorganic molecule, such as type O. It is the release of energy from organic compounds by metabolic chemical oxidation in the mitochondria within all(prenominal) cell. Carbohyd order, proteins, and fats can every last(predicate) be metabolized as fuel, but cellular external respiration is most often described as the oxidation of glucose, as follows C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 686 kilocalories of energy/mole of glucose oxidized Cellular respiration involves glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain.Glycolysis is a catabolic pathway that occurs in the cytosol and partially oxidizes glucose into twopyruvate (3-C). The Krebs cycle is also a catabolic pathway that occurs in the mitochondrial hyaloplasm and completes glucose oxidation by breaking down apyruvate derivative (Acetyl-CoA) into carbon dioxide. T hese two cycles some(prenominal) produce a small marrow of ATP by subst direct-level phosphorylation and NADH by transferring electrons from substrate to NAD+ (Krebs cycle also produces FADH2 by transferring electrons to FAD).The electron transport chain is located at the inner membrane of the mitochondrion, accepts energized electrons from decreased coenzymes that atomic number 18 harvested during glycolysis and Krebs cycle, and couples this exergonic swerve of electrons to ATP synthesis or oxidative phosphorylation. This process produces 90% of the ATP. Cells respond to changing metabolic needs by seeling reaction judge. Anabolic pathways ar switched off when their products are in ample supply. The most common mechanism of control is feedback inhibition.Catabolic pathways, such as glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, are controlled by regulating enzyme activity at strategic points. A key control point of catabolism is the third step of glycolysis, which is catalyzed by an allos teric enzyme, phosphofructokinase. The ratio of ATP to ADP and AMP reflects the energy term of the cell, and phosphofructokinase is sensitive to changes in this ratio. Citrate and ATP are allosteric inhibitors of phosphofructokinase, so when their concentration rise, the enzyme slows glycolysis.As the rate of glycolysis slows, the Krebs cycle also slows since the supply of Acetyl-CoA is reduced. This synchronizes the rates of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. ADP and AMP are allosteric activators for phosphofructokinase, so when their concentrations relative to ATP rise, the enzyme speeds up glycolysis, which speeds of the Krebs cycle. Cellular respiration is measure in triad manners the utilization of O2 (how many moles of O2 are take aimd in cellular respiration? ), production of CO2 (how many moles of CO2 are produced in cellular respiration? , and the release of energy during cellular respiration. PV = nRT is the formula for the inert muff law, where P is the pressure of the splash, V is the volume of the botch, n is the number of molecules of gas, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature of the gas in degrees K. This law implies several important things close gases. If temperature and pressure are kept constant and so the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the number of molecules of the gas. If the temperature and volume remain constant, then the pressure of the gas changes in direct proportion to the number of molecules of gas.If the number of gas molecules and the temperature remain constant, then the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume. If the temperature changes and the number of gas molecules is kept constant, then either pressure or volume or some(prenominal) volition change in direct proportion to the temperature. Hypothesis The respirometer with only germinating peas will tire the largest summate of oxygen and will convert the largest amount of CO2 into K2CO3 than the respirometers with string of beads an d dry peas and with beads alone.The temperature of the irrigate toilets directly resultants the rate of oxygen using up by the contents in the respirometers (the high the temperature, the higher the rate of consumption). Materials The following materials are necessary for the science science laboratory 2 thermometers, 2 shallow baths, tap water, ice, physical composition towels, masking tape, germinating peas, non-germinating (dry) peas, glass beads, 100 mL graduated cylinder, 6 vials, 6 rubber male plugs, absorbent and non- absorbent cotton, KOH, a 5-mL pipette, silicon glue, paper, pencil, a periodr, and 6 washers. modus operandiPrepare a room temperature and a 10oC water bath. Time to ad well(p) the temperature of each bath will be necessary. Add ice cubes to one bath until the desired temperature of 10oC is obtained. Fill a 100 mL graduated cylinder with 50 mL of water. Add 25 germinating peas and determine the amount of water that is displaced. character this volume of the 25 germinating peas, then remove the peas and place them on a paper towel. They will be utilize for respirometer 1. Next, refill the graduated cylinder with 50 mL of water and add 25 non-germinating peas to it.Add glass beads to the graduated cylinder until the volume is equivalent to that of the expanded germinating peas. Remove the beads and peas and place on a paper towel. They will be used in respirometer 2. Now, refill the graduated cylinder with 50 mL of water. Determine how many glass beads would be required to attain a volume that is equivalent to that of the germinating peas. Remove the beads. They will be used in respirometer 3. Then repeat the procedures used preceding(prenominal) to prepare a second set of germinating peas, dry peas and beads, and beads to be used in respirometers 4,5,and 6.Assemble the six respirometers by obtaining 6 vials, each with an attached ballyhoo and pipette. Then place a small wad of absorbent cotton in the screwing of each vial an d, using the pipette or syringe, bang up the cotton with 15 % KOH. Be sure not to get the KOH on the sides of the respirometer. Then place a small wad of non- absorbent cotton on top of the KOH-soaked absorbent cotton. Repeat these steps to make the other five respirometers. It is important to use ab turn up the same amount of cotton and KOH in each vial. Next, place the first set of germinating peas, dry peas and beads and beads alone in vials 1,2, and 3.Place the second set of germinating peas, dry peas and beads, and glass beads in vials 4,5, and 6. envelop the stoppers in each vial with the proper pipette. Place a washer on each of the pipettes to be used as a weight. Make a sling using masking tape and attach it to each side of the water baths to hold the pipettes out of the water during the equilibration period of 10 minutes. Vials 1,2, and 3 should be in the bath containing water at room temperature. Vials 4, 5, and 6 should be in the bath containing water that is 10oC. Aft er the equilibration period, immerse all six respirometers into the water solely.Water will enter the pipette for a short distance and stop. If the water does not stop, there is a leak. Make sure the pipettes are facing a direction from where you can read them. The vials should not be shifted during the experiment and your hands should not be placed in the water during the experiment. Allow the respirometers to equilibrate for three more minutes and then record the initial water reading in each pipette at time 0. Check the temperature in both baths and record the data. Every five minutes for 20 minutes take readings of the waters position in each pipette, and record.Results In this activity, you are analyze both the effects of germination versus non-germination and warm temperature versus cold temperature on respiration rate. Identify the hypothesis being tested on this activity. The rate of cellular respiration is higher in the germinating peas in cold than in the beads or non-g erminating peas the cooler temperature in the cold water baths slows the process of cellular respiration in the both germinating and non-germinating peas. This activity uses a number of controls. Identify at least three of the controls, and describe the purpose of each.The constant temperature in the water baths yielding changeless readings, the regular volume of KOH from vial to vial leading to equal amounts of carbon dioxide consumption, identical equilibration periods for all the respirometers, precise time intervals between measurements, and glass beads performing as a control for barometric pressure all served as controls. Describe and explain the relationship between the amount of oxygen consumed and time. There was a constant, gradual warp in the amount of oxygen consumed over precise passage of time.Why is it necessary to correct the readings from the peas with the readings from the beads? The beads served as a control variable, therefore, the beads experienced no change in gas volume. Explain the effects of germination (versus non-germination) on pea seed respiration. The germinating seeds restrain a higher metabolic rate and needed more oxygen for suppuration and survival. The non-germinating peas, though alive, needed to consume far less oxygen for continued subsistence. Above is a sample graph of possible data obtained for oxygen consumption by germinating peas up to about 8oC. Draw in predicted results through 45oC.Explain your prediction. Once the temperature reached a accepted point, the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration denatured and germination (and large amounts of oxygen consumption) was inhibited. What is the purpose of KOH in this experiment? The KOH drops absorbed the carbon dioxide and caused it to precipitate at the bottom of the vial and no longer able to effect the readings. Why did the vial concord to be completely seal off under the stopper? The stopper at the top of the vial had to be completely sealed so that no g as could leak out of the vial and no water would be allowed into the vial.If you used the same experimental design to compare the rates of respiration of a 35g mammal at 10oC, what results would you expect? Explain your reasoning. Respiration would be higher in the mammal since they are warm-blooded and endothermic. If respiration in a small mammal were studied at both room temperature (21oC) and 10oC, what results would you predict? Explain your reasoning. Respiration would be higher at 21 degrees because it would be necessary for the animal to maintain a higher body temperature.The results would proliferate at 10 degrees because the mammal would be required to retain its body temperature at an even lower temperature in comparison to room temperature. Explain why water moved into the respirometer pipettes. speckle the peas underwent cellular respiration, they consumed oxygen and released carbon dioxide, which reacted with the KOH in the vial, resulting in a reducing of gas in th e pipette. The water moved into the pipette because the vial and pipette were completely submerged into the bath. Design an experiment to understand the rates of cellular respiration in peas that commit been germinating for 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours.What results would you expect? Why? Respirometers could be set up with respirometer 1 containing non-germinating peas, respirometer 2 holding peas that have been germinating 24 hours, 3 would contain the peas that germinated 48 hours, and 4 would hold the peas that germinated 72 hours. All the respirometers should have the KOH added to the bottom in the same manner as in lab described earlier. The respirometers should be placed in baths with the same temperature for all the respirometers. The seeds that have not begun germination would consume very little oxygen.The peas that have been germinating for 72 hours will have the greatest amount of oxygen consumption, while the other two samples will consume a medium (in comparison to respirom eters 1 and 4 results) amount of oxygen. Error Analysis Numerous errors could have occurred throughout the lab. The temperature of the baths may have been allowed to fluctuate, the amounts of peas, beads, KOH, and cotton may have varied from vial to vial damaging the results, and these problems would have occurred only during set up. Air may have been allowed to creep into the vial via a leaky stopper or poorly sealed pipette.Timing for the equilibration of the respirometers and the five-minute time intervals may have been erroneous. It was somewhat difficult to read the markings on the pipettes and so errors are always likely. Mathematical inaccuracies may have taken place when filling out the table and finding the corrected difference by using the formula provided. Discussion and Conclusion The lab and the results gained from this lab demonstrated many important things relating to cellular respiration. It showed that the rates of cellular respiration are greater in germinating pe as than in non- germinating peas.It also showed that temperature and respiration rates are directly proportional as temperature increases, respiration rates increase as well. Because of this fact, the peas contained by the respirometers placed in the water at 10oC carried on cellular respiration at a lower rate than the peas in respirometers placed in the room temperature water. The non-germinating peas consumed far less oxygen than the germinating peas. This is because, though germinating and non-germinating peas are both alive, germinating peas require a larger amount of oxygen to be consumed so that the seed will continue to grow and survive.In the lab, CO2 made during cellular respiration was removed by the potassium hydrated oxide (KOH) and created potassium carbonate (K2CO3). It was necessary that the carbon dioxide be removed so that the change in the volume of gas in the respirometer was directly proportional to the amount of oxygen that was consumed. In the experiment wate r will moved toward the region of lower pressure. During respiration, oxygen will be consumed and its volume will be reduced to a solid. The result was a decrease in gas volume within the tube, and a related decrease in pressure in the tube.The respirometer with just the glass beads served as a control, allowing changes in volume due to changes in atmospheric pressure and/or temperature. This activity uses a number of controls. Identify at least three of the controls, and describe the purpose of each. The constant temperature in the water baths yielding stable readings, the unvarying volume of KOH from vial to vial leading to equal amounts of carbon dioxide consumption, identical equilibration periods for all the respirometers, precise time intervals between measurements, and glass beads acting as a control for barometric pressure all served as controls.Describe and explain the relationship between the amount of oxygen consumed and time. There was a constant, gradual incline in the amount of oxygen consumed over precise passage of time. Condition Calculations Rate in mL O2/ minute Germinating Peas/ 10oC (1. 40-1. 38) 20 min. .001 Germinating Peas/ 20oC (1. 35-. 57) 20 min. .040 Dry Peas/ 10oC (1. 40-1. 38) 20 min. .001 Dry Peas/ 20oC (1. 47-1. 42) 20 min. .003 Why is it necessary to correct the readings from the peas with the readings from the beads? The beads served as a control variable, therefore, the beads experienced no change in gas volume.Explain the effects of germination (versus non-germination) on pea seed respiration. The germinating seeds have a higher metabolic rate and needed more oxygen for growth and survival. The non-germinating peas, though alive, needed to consume far less oxygen for continued subsistence. Above is a sample graph of possible data obtained for oxygen consumption by germinating peas up to about 8oC. Draw in predicted results through 45oC. Explain your prediction. Once the temperature reached a certain point, the enzymes necess ary for cellular respiration denatured and germination (and large amounts of oxygen consumption) was inhibited.What is the purpose of KOH in this experiment? The KOH drops absorbed the carbon dioxide and caused it to precipitate at the bottom of the vial and no longer able to effect the readings. Why did the vial have to be completely sealed under the stopper? The stopper at the top of the vial had to be completely sealed so that no gas could leak out of the vial and no water would be allowed into the vial. If you used the same experimental design to compare the rates of respiration of a 35g mammal at 10oC, what results would you expect? Explain your reasoning. Respiration would be higher in the mammal since they are warm-blooded and endothermic.If respiration in a small mammal were studied at both room temperature (21oC) and 10oC, what results would you predict? Explain your reasoning. Respiration would be higher at 21 degrees because it would be necessary for the animal to maintai n a higher body temperature. The results would proliferate at 10 degrees because the mammal would be required to retain its body temperature at an even lower temperature in comparison to room temperature. Explain why water moved into the respirometer pipettes. While the peas underwent cellular respiration, they consumed oxygen and released carbon dioxide, which reacted with the KOH in he vial, resulting in a decrease of gas in the pipette. The water moved into the pipette because the vial and pipette were completely submerged into the bath. Design an experiment to examine the rates of cellular respiration in peas that have been germinating for 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours. What results would you expect? Why? Respirometers could be set up with respirometer 1 containing non-germinating peas, respirometer 2 holding peas that have been germinating 24 hours, 3 would contain the peas that germinated 48 hours, and 4 would hold the peas that germinated 72 hours.All the respirometers should have the KOH added to the bottom in the same manner as in lab described earlier. The respirometers should be placed in baths with the same temperature for all the respirometers. The seeds that have not begun germination would consume very little oxygen. The peas that have been germinating for 72 hours will have the greatest amount of oxygen consumption, while the other two samples will consume a medium (in comparison to respirometers 1 and 4 results) amount of oxygen. Error Analysis Numerous errors could have occurred throughout the lab.The temperature of the baths may have been allowed to fluctuate, the amounts of peas, beads, KOH, and cotton may have varied from vial to vial damaging the results, and these problems would have occurred only during set up. Air may have been allowed to creep into the vial via a leaky stopper or poorly sealed pipette. Timing for the equilibration of the respirometers and the five-minute time intervals may have been erroneous. It was somewhat difficult to r ead the markings on the pipettes and so errors are always likely.Mathematical inaccuracies may have taken place when filling out the table and finding the corrected difference by using the formula provided. Discussion and Conclusion The lab and the results gained from this lab demonstrated many important things relating to cellular respiration. It showed that the rates of cellular respiration are greater in germinating peas than in non- germinating peas. It also showed that temperature and respiration rates are directly proportional as temperature increases, respiration rates increase as well.Because of this fact, the peas contained by the respirometers placed in the water at 10oC carried on cellular respiration at a lower rate than the peas in respirometers placed in the room temperature water. The non-germinating peas consumed far less oxygen than the germinating peas. This is because, though germinating and non-germinating peas are both alive, germinating peas require a larger am ount of oxygen to be consumed so that the seed will continue to grow and survive. In the lab, CO2 made during cellular respiration was removed by the potassium hydroxide (KOH) and created potassium carbonate (K2CO3).It was necessary that the carbon dioxide be removed so that the change in the volume of gas in the respirometer was directly proportional to the amount of oxygen that was consumed. In the experiment water will moved toward the region of lower pressure. During respiration, oxygen will be consumed and its volume will be reduced to a solid. The result was a decrease in gas volume within the tube, and a related decrease in pressure in the tube. The respirometer with just the glass beads served as a control, allowing changes in volume due to changes in atmospheric pressure and/or temperature.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Gift of the Magi by William Sidney Porter
The Gift of the Magi by William Sydney Porter Xinyan Zhu September 2, 2012 Comp1102 /Fall Mrs. Chambers The Gift of the Magi by William Sidney Porter William Sidney Porter, better cognize low his pen name O. enthalpy, born September 11 1862 in Greensboro North Carolina. Accused of embezzling bank fund, Henry was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. During this dark period in his life, he begin his literary career with his stories that were to be collected in his first book Cabbage and Kings (1904).Henry left the stories in the first place laid in New York, Central American and Western American. The majority of the stories that can be found, however, are set in Manhattan, New York City. In these works, Henry portrayed the atmosphere and the scenes of its restaurant and its old lodging houses really true to life. For this reason, Henry remains secure in the hearts of the public as, the prose laureate of Manhattan Island (1945,Lewiston journal Magazine Section). Finally h e deserves rank with Americas greatest of the short story and hands down far and wide up to now.His vox work The Gift of the Magi (1906) is an extremely moving story of a young couple who sell their best possessions, Dellas hairsbreadth and Jims slang, in establish to get m aney for a Christmas present for each other. The hair is cut and sold to pervert a glorious watch chain, and the watch is sold to buy a beautiful comb, neither knowing that the present can no longer be of any use when offered to the loved one. After the first reading, the totally story seems tell about a funny story, only when no one cannot laugh out. This essay focuses on the ending of The Gift of Magi.It reflects the ambience of bliss with sadness of the couples life. There is something deep inside this story. Many people studies Henrys The Gift of Magi from different perspectives, such as analyzing the characteristics, the infrastructure and also personal background of The Gift of Magi. The style of O . Henrys short novels ending is well-known without the world of books with its wit unexpected but reasonable results. From the beginning of the story, the young couple is characterized as their true love holder come outing sincerity and loyalty through the way of sacrificing their precious treasure.First, Della cries, she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its color within twenty seconds. Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length(The Gift of the Magi). Later Della makes up her mind to do one thing giving the readers an astonishing shock tantalizing to readers to shed tears right now. The only purpose is just to give present on Christmas. Della is full of pleasure, has thought that she would give her husband the most fitting gift on the Christmas Day, but a strong sense of anxiety accompany with her.When Jim has returned home and stared at Della, a bust of complex odoring occurs to him, his inward world fraught with many unlucky ideas. By Dellas explanation Jim has done the same thing as Della done for him, he has sold the watch to get the money to buy combs which Della loves for a very long time. Fortunately, the couple presents their most precious presents to each other, real presents is temporarily useless but their rough-cut love is true and lasting forever. There is no doubt that it embodies the life of happiness with sadness and deepens their love.Here Henry presents the climax and later comments on, the foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasure of their house(The Gift of the Magi). The young couple indeed sacrifices their precious possessions, the unwise face lies in their decision without telling each other ahead of time and the couple just wants to bring a surprise with great happiness to show their affection. Surprising ending is O. Henrys one signature. Della asks Jim to give her watch to see how it looks on it.Instead of obeying, Jim tumbles down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled. Because Jim knows it useless right now, no watch any more. For both of them, losing their great treasure means nothing could make them proud of, but they have received one more important thing, a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. The poor couple creates a soft and gentle atmosphere to feel how much they love each other. Although Henry depicts the foolish children, but in a last word to the wise of these days let it be verbalize that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. , of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. (The Gift of the Magi) It denotes that their gifts are the most divine and pious create to their incomparable true love. Therefore, the two foolish children, Della and Jim are the wisest. Since they receive the spiritual presents through their decision. They are the magi, and their gifts are the gifts of the magi. To sum up, even The Gift of Magi is just one section of life in American people who are struggling for life and searching for a better life with happiness and sadness in the cruel and suffering society.There is much to be learned from the love of this couple. Works Cited 1. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/O. _Henry. 2. Lewiston Journal Magazine Section, 1945. 3. Angell, Roger. The Gift of the Magi Interview. The New Yorker. Broadcast transcript. Morning Edition. Opposing Viewpoints imagination Center. 2010. 4. Wilson, Kathleen. The Gift of the Magi. Short Stories for Students. Ed. Kathleen Wilson. Vol. 2. Detroit Gale. Litfinder for Schools. 1997.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Impact of the 1920’s
The decade of the 1920s was a period of American prosperity, vernal technology, and a new type for women. As World War I came to an end, society began bursting into many different things. The twenties were a while when people laughed more a lot than cried, partied more often than worked, and dreamed more often than faced reality. Athletes were looked up to as heroes, authors helped people escape into a different life, and women dressed as flappers and started voting. The Harlem Renaissance, the model T, barrier, sports heroes, the procedure of women, and new technologies totally helped influence the social changes in the Roaring Twenties.In the 1920s, African Americans were roaring in their culture. African American music, literature, dance, art, and social commentary all boomed in Harlem, New York. Their culture movement was known to be called The New Negro Movement and later called the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance showed the different cultures of African Americ an. One of the main(prenominal) factors leading to the rise of the Harlem Renaissance was the urban migration. There were different people of the arts, such as Nora Thurston Zeale who was an anthropologist, Countee Cullen who was a romantic poet, Langston Hughes who was a poet as well as a playwright.Marcus Garvey, James Weldon Johnston, and W. E. B. Dubois were three political figures who helped people have hope of freedom for African Americans and made the Harlem Renaissance what it came to be known for, all the arts, literature, and music. Marcus Garvey was the draw of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, the first African American leader in the American history to organize masses of people in a political movement.He advocated black nationalism and financial independence for African Americans. W. E. B.Dubois was an author and a teacher who helped found the National Association for the Advancement of unilateral People and helped African Americans try to improve their li ves. James Weldon Johnston also helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and was also the secretary. He was also an influential poet that influenced jazz music. Another black famous figure in the 1920s was Louis Armstrong. He was an amazing trumpet player who played jazz for the first time ever heard north of the Mason-Dixon Line.Langston Hughes was a great writer who wrote funny poems, stories, essays, and poetry. The Harlem Renaissance was a time period which had a huge influence across America and even around the world. The railroad car really changed the way people lived in the 1920s. The automobile became the backbone of the American economy. It altered the American landscape and Americans society, and it was just one of the several factors in the countrys business boom in the 1920s. The automobile changed the way people lived their lives, the way the city was run, and how the economy was dealt with.The automobile changed the way terrene people lived their lives. Rural families now could travel to the city for shopping and entertainment. It also gave families the opportunity to take a vacation in places far away. Automobiles also gave young people and women additional opportunities to be more independent. It allowed people to live far away from their jobs causing the urban sprawl. The automobile changed the way the city was run in a few ways. It was evident in the construction of the paved roads suitable for driving in all weather.Houses were be reinforced with garages or carports and a driveway and a smaller lawn due to more people having automobiles. Gas stations, repair shops, public garages, motels, tourist camps, traffic signals, and shopping centers were all being built as well. The economy also had a big change when the automobile came into power. The industry provided an economic underpinning for cities like Akron and Detroit. It drew people to oil-producing states like California and Texas. The automobile industry also helped promote the free enterprise system. In the late 1920s, about one in every five people owned a vehicle in America.On January 16, 1920, the 18th amendment went to affect which banned all consumption, distribution, and creation of any alcoholic beverages. This created uproar, because people really did not like being told what they could or could not drink. The soul purpose was to reduce the quantity of alcohol consumed. It at first worked, it began to be very difficult to get alcohol, plus the prices went up a lot, and the quantity consumed was less than it used to be. At that time, most bootleggers were from the mafia, which were families that controlled areas of a city.Speakeasies were made to keep people happy when the alcohol was banned. They gave out alcohol illegally. excessively speakeasies, the American population came up with different kind of ways to get around the 18th Amendment, such as putting alcohol in igneous water bottles, coconut shells, garden hoses, and other unique things to get alcohol. The mafia saw the amendment as a way to bewilder money. The time between 1920 until 1933 when prohibition ended, mafia families, such as Al Capone, were taking in about sixty million dollars. It was pretty hard to uphold the Prohibition law.So in 1933, the Prohibition law came to an end. There were many sports heroes in the 1920s, such as George Herman Ruth, Jack Dempsey, Johnny Weismuller, Steve Donoghue, Harold Edward Grange, Helen Newington Wills, and William Tilden. George Herman Ruth, later dubbed Babe Ruth from his fans, set the baseball disgrace of sixty home runs in one season in 1927. This record stood until 1961 when Roger Maris hit 61 home runs. He might have been the ruff baseball player who ever played the game. He led the Yankees to seven World Series and made two million dollars in his career.Jack the Manassa Mauler Dempsey was one of the best heavyweight boxers of all time. He was a heavyweight champion and fought an d win against Georges Carpentier. The battle was later called The Battle of the Century and they were the first people to be paid more than one million dollars for promotion of the fight. Johnny Weismuller was a swimmer who won a lot of Olympic gold medals. He won 52 United States titles and 28 world distance records. He also starred in many films as Tarzan Lord of the Jungle. Steve Donoghue won several Derbys.He won six total Derbys and was named the champion jockey from 1914-1923. Harold Edward Grange was a college football hero who helped get the game of American football popular. Helen Newington Wills was a womans tennis champion. She won Wimbledon for the first time in 1927. She had won two Olympic gold medals and 19 singles championships. She was later inducted into the U. S. Lawn Tennis Hall of Fame. William Big Bill Tilden was a mens tennis champion. He was the first American to win the Wimbledon title in 1920. These two champions helped get the game of tennis popular durin g the twenties.On imperious 26th, 1920, President Wilson ratified the Nineteenth Amendment. The Nineteenth Amendment was for women suffrage. In the twenties, many roles changed for women. Women were declared the right to vote, their styles changed, they began doing other jobs such as doctors, bankers, lawyers, and other different jobs which were usually dumb for men. Womens style changed from wearing clothes that went all the way down to their ankles and with long hair all pinned up to short bob hair cuts and short skirts. These women were called flappers.In the twenties, the jobs that were usually seen as womanly such as household things dropped. Women started doing jobs that men usually did. It was still seen that women were to be in the home and men brought home the money. A lot of new technology thrived in the 1920s. In 1927, Philo Farnsworth patented the dissector tube which turned out to be important to inventing the television. Late in 1922, the first pic with sound, The J azz Singer came out. Televisions first drama came out on September 11, 1928, which was called The Queens Messenger. In 1926, the first movie with sound and color came out.The Harlem Renaissance, the model T, prohibition, sports heroes, the role of women, and new technologies all helped influence the social changes in the Roaring Twenties. The prosperity and experiences that America went through in the Roaring Twenties looked like they would go on forever. There were not any signs that the country that was thriving would go into a complete and total economic depression. New inventions, new advancements, and new discoveries helped make life better in America. Life seemed so easy in the twenties thanks to all the new advancements. No one would have guessed what set(p) ahead for the powerful country.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Jeffersonian Era †Dbq
Rinya Kamber AP US 3rd 10/10/11 Jeffersonian Era DBQ The period amongst 1815 and 1825 was inaccurately dubbed the Era of Good Feelings. Despite the relatively low political opposition and boom of westward expansion and economy, bigger problems such as the stinting bust as well as the diffe sonority beliefs of northern and southern states threatened the strength and unity of the nation during this time. After the war of 1812, the surge of nationalistic feelings took place, but, simultaneously, thither were underlying forces of sectionalism.Economic and demographic expansion led to a positive, nationalistic view of the Era of Good Feelings, but also had its setbacks. As arse C. Calhoun- a US representative who suggested the idea of federal funding for internal improvements- stated in 1817, We are great, and rapidly- I was about to say fearfully- growing. This is out price and danger, our impuissance and our strength. One cause of this rapid growth was high foreign demands for Amer ican farm goods in 1819 due to the agricultural disruption Napoleons excursions were create in Europe.While this sudden demand increase led to territorial expansion, it also dropped crop prices significantly and caused the US Bank to give out slight loans, credit, and mortgages, causing an economic bust. Another nationalistic contributor to the Era of Good Feelings was the growth of white settlement and trade in the west. Depicted by John Krimmel, American citizens festivities during the Fourth of July ceremony in 1819 clearly show that strong nationalistic awareness of the time.If one observes the density of population in 1820, it is clear that on that point is a surge of westward expansion into the Old Northwest and Old Southwest- especially after Jeffersons Louisiana Purchase in 1803. With Jacksons victory in the Seminole War and the Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819, Florida was now a US territory. All of these economic and demographic expansions added to the good feelings during thi s particular time period. non much political turmoil occurred initially, but there were many deeply-rooted issues that needed confrontation such as disputes between northern and southern states beliefs on giving medication and slavery.Republican Monroe had little difficulty during the presidential election of 1820. With the decline of the Federalist Party, he faced no serious opposition. Then, with the election of 1824, support was dispersed and Jackson technically won both the Popular Vote as well as the Electoral Vote, as seen in the visual and informational comparative maps of the two elections. Yet, Adams took the Presidency anyway. Jacksonians resented this and wherefore haunted Adams term in office, which led to the sectionalism occurring in the so-called Era of Good Feelings. Differences between northern and southern states also led to divisions.In the north, people favored a strong centralized government with an industrial economy whereas in the south, an agrarian societ y that gave more local power to the several(prenominal) states was favored. These differences are clearly pointed out by John Randolph (a southerner) in 1816 favoring the manufacturerswhile agriculturists bear the whole brunt of the war and taxation, and remain poor, while the others run in the ring of pleasure, and fatten upon them. Another issue dividing the states was the question of slavery. Jefferson described the momentous question as a fireball in the nighta new(a) temper that will mark deeper and deeper. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed the new state to enter the Union under two circumstances that Maine would also enter the union as a free state, keeping the balance, and that under the Tallmadge Agreement, restrictions on slavery would be put into play. Political disagreements, differences in northern and southern states beliefs, and issues that were aroused with the creation of new states all contributed to the growing sectionalism and are reason to believe that the Era of Good Feelings was not such a good era after all.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
History of Mass Communication Essay
On June 19, 1965 Republic Act No. 4379 was passed, providing for the establishment of the University of the Philippines Institute of Mass confabulation (UP-IMC). Dr. Gloria Feliciano was appointed director, and later dean, of the Institute. UP-IMC was formally established as an academic unit on August 23, 1966 offering journalism courses leading to the A.B. Journalism degree.In school year 1966-67, the A.B. Broadcast colloquy and the M.A. programs were instituted. It was also in May 1967 that the Institute graduated its first batch of studentsnine A.B. Journalism majors.By September 9, 1969, the Institute had transferred from the College of Arts and Sciences to Plaridel Hall. The third undergrad program of IMC, the A.B. communion Research, was instituted on April 7, 1975.Seven years later, in school year 1982-83, the Ph.D. in Communication program was instituted. It was also during this school year that the merging of the three undergraduate programs into one B.A. Communication p rogram with major in any of the three old programs (journalism, broadcast communication, and communication research) was undertaken. Likewise, the three masteral programs were merged into one M.A. in Communication program and students could major in either broadcast communication, journalism or communication research.In school year 1984-85, the Film and Audiovisual Communications program was added to the Institutes undergraduate course offerings. The following school year, Prof. Georgina R. Encanto was appointed new Dean of the Institute, succeeding Dr. Gloria D. Feliciano.December 1, 1987 marked the reactivation of the DZUP under the trouble of the institute.On April 28, 1988, almost 23 years after it was established, the UP IMC was elevated by the UP Board of Regents. Dr. Delia R. Barcelona then became the Dean in 1991. Prof. Luis V. Teodoro was dean from 1994 to 2000. During his term, the A.B. Communication program was divided once more into four distinct courses.Construction of the new Mass Media internality began in late 1996 during the term of Dean Teodoro, who conceptualized the Center to prepare the College for the 21st century, and raised the initial funds for its construction. In 1998, the Commission on Higher Education named the Journalism and Communication Research departments as its Centers of integrity in the study of communication. The Broadcast Communication and the Film departments, meanwhile, are candidates for Centers of Development.In 2002, during the deanship of Prof. Ellen Paglinauan, a new MA Media Studies program was instituted with specializations in Broadcast Communication, Journalism, Film. The last mentioned is considered to be the first (and only) graduate program in film in the Philippines. Dean Nicanor Tiongson, meanwhile, started two new Mass Communication institutions the Plaridel Journal and the Gawad Plaridel.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Self Control
Imagine a world where a school aged boor can step out of their school and walk into a McDonalds. A world where soda companies make millions of dollars a year by placing pop and candy machines in schools, a world where more than 30 percent of the adult population is considered to be obese, or a world where obesity kills close to as many deal per year as smoking. What if I told you that this is the world today?Ones lifestyle with believe to diet is regarded as a ad hominem problem, and most believe that it should be treated as such(prenominal) in that there should be no intervention, people should be left to deal with it on their own. People who lead unhealthy and inactive lifestyles have generally speaking already displayed a lack of self control. Whether this is due to other constraints in their lives ( succession, degenerative health problems, mental disorder, etc) is nobodys business, but through outside intervention these peoples lives could be drastically improved.Based on the preponderance of junk food in todays society, the government needs to step in and take action to protect Canada and its citizens by discouraging the purchase and consumption of foods that have a high processed sugar and fat content, by educating the public about the affect of unhealthy choices and by imposing a tax on those foods that are deemed to be detrimental to ones health. Sugar laden, fatty foods are very disadvantageous to ones health. everywhere consumption of these foods are the direct cause of many health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, gall bladder disease and hypertension.What makes these foods even more harmful is the ease of access we as Canadian citizens have to them. Junk food is everywhere, on every street there are fast-food restaurants wherever large amounts of people congregate, there is generally a vendor selling quick fix meals (e. g. McDonalds in Wal-Mart or Harveys in Home Depot). The majority of food change in The on going shorten of ba ttling obesity in America continues to haunt us. It has become a national epidemic and a major publication for controversy.The suggestion of implementing a junk food tax was proposed by several experts. The purpose of the tax was to decrease the consumption of unhealthy foods. This tax would also apply revenue earmarked for relevant causes, such as improving diet, obesity prevention, and nutrition education. The underlying purpose is to focus on maximizing health benefits. It has sparked controversy on the levels of additional bureaucracy, interfering with personal liberties, and freedom of choice.Junk-Food Taxes Introduction. For years health experts have been warning Americans to lose slant and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Over time obesity rates have tripled. It is obvious we are losing the battle against obesity. Combating obesity and its numerous illnesses will not require more drugs to lower cholesterol, diet books, or workout videos. It will require rethinking our environm ent. Other measures need to be taken to tackle this national epidemic. Addressing this issue is no easy task. Several experts have suggested implementing a junk food tax.This would provide funding to regulate junk food, its advertising, and many other areas improving our health. This view has sparked a wide controversy in regard to the obesity issue, the benefits of such a tax plan, and our cherished individual freedom that health is our own responsibility. The Obesity Epidemic It is no wonder obesity is such an epidemic in todays society. Temptation is everywhere. A fast food restaurant is located on every corner. They are now break at all hours of the night and day. You can purchase an entire meal for less than five dollars.You can not turn on the television without beholding a dozen junk food commercials. Hanna Rosin, a reporter for the Washington Post, addresses this issue with the opinions of Dr. Kelly Brownell, a Yale professor. Dr. continues For years health experts have be en warning Americans to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Over time obesity rates have tripled. It is obvious we are losing the battle against obesity. Combating obesity and its numerous illnesses will not require more drugs to lower cholesterol, diet books, or workout videos.It will require rethinking our environment. Other measures need to be taken to tackle this national epidemic. Addressing this issue is no easy task. Several experts have suggested implementing a junk food tax. This would provide funding to regulate junk food, its advertising, and many other areas improving our health. This idea has sparked a wide controversy in regard to the obesity issue, the benefits of such a tax plan, and our cherished individual freedom that health is our own responsibility.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Look again at the end of the Crucible Essay
He tells the others who are to hang to show no fear. Proctor Give them no tears Tears pleasure them Show a stony heart and sink them with it The audience are aware that Abigail and monitor had an affair but when tail tells Abigail that he does non wish to see her again she tries to get her own back by accusing Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft. She does this also to try and get proctor on his own so then they will dance on Elizabeths grave. Her plans back fires when John admits to the appeal that they had an affair. Proctor Mark her Now shell delineate a scream to stab me with, but-Danforth You will prove this This will not pass Proctor I withdraw write outn her. Proctor She thinks to dance with me on my wifes grave Through this part in the court Abigail shows that she has authority in the township by shouting at the head of the court to try and change his mind, he replies by saying that he trust her over proctor. Abigail I have been hurt, Mr Danforth I have seen my blood run nin out I have been near to murdered every day because Ive done my duty pointing out the devils people and this is my reward To be mistrusted, Denied, Questioned like a- Danforth Child I do not mistrust you-. This causes tension, as you do not know what will happen to either Proctor or Abigail when the truth is found out. in that respect is a conflict, which gets stronger as you go through the book. This conflict is among extort and the court. When the court is made hale is for it and recons it is a good idea. The conflict starts when he is at the Proctors house and he hears of Rebecca Nurses arrest. Hale Believe me Mr Nurse if Rebecca be tainted, then nothings left to stop the whole green world from burning. He then questions what the court is doing by searching for a poppet in the Proctors house.He then sides with Proctor again as he asks Parris if every self-abnegation is an attack upon the court? In the very end his completely against the court and is trying to save Procto rs life. Hale I have gone this three month like our lord into the wilderness. I have sought a Christian way, for damnations doubled on a minister who counsels men to lie. Hathorne It is no lie, you cannot speak of lies. Hale It is a lie They are innocent This causes tension as Hale is a trusted figure and you dont know if he is for or against something and if he will be able to change proctors mind on confessing.Hale tries to prevent the hangings by telling the court what the town is like when so many another(prenominal) have died. Hale Excellency, there are orphans wandering from house to house abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads the malodor of rotten crops hangs everywhere, and no man knows when the harlots cry will end his life- and you wonder yet if rebellions spoke? Better you should marvel how they do not burn your province There also many tense parts that are not in the conflicts, such as the part when Abigail is with the other girls in the bedroom and threatens them that if they talk then they will die.Abigail Mark this if either of you breath a word, or edge of a word, about the other things, and Ill semen to you in the in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. This is tense because you move in that she has the power to kill anyone including her own friends. Also when Hale is questioning Tituba you dont know how much she is red ink to say about what happened in the wood. Hale who came to you with the devil? Two? Three? Four? How many? Tituba There was four. There was four. This causes tension because it is fast paced which adds a bit of excitement as well. Arthur miller uses the conflicts between different characters or a group of characters to cause dramatic tension extremely well, as he gives whole scenes to get to know the characters and then brings them unneurotic in the last scene. The reason why this helps cause dramatic tension is because as we know the characters, we expect the m to do something but they end up going against it, like in the court when we expect Elizabeth to tell the truth, she tells a lie to save her husband, but ends up getting him killed.I think that this also helps to recognise the ending a lot more satisfactory, by ending many lives of characters we know and have heard express there feelings. He also resolves the of import conflict between Elizabeth and Johns marriage, which was dramatised in act two, so every thing turned out well, and if John had stayed alive many more people would have probably died as a result of revenge, anger, the want of power and jealousy.It was good to be told what happened after the book ended because I was wondering what had happened to Abigail and if Elizabeth was hung after the fuck up had been born, which had kept her from being hung for a year, was born. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Monday, May 20, 2019
East Asia History Essay
East Asia, which covers rough seventeen percent of land area of the Asia continent with mainland China as the largest nation, began to perform as a significant factor in the worlds economy in this modern period. East Asia comprises of countries much(prenominal) as China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, including the non-independent states or political units such as Vietnam, and Macao, has remarkable switch at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.From this region rose the sites of early civilizations that later on spearheaded political, economic, and cultural contributions in the eastern Asiatic countries as it grew into rapid development. The ascendancy of powers particularly China, Japan, and Korea in the era of imperialism served as reminders of their once glorious life history during the period of self-assertiveness away from the influence of Western countries.At the expense of evolution of powers in the West, China and Japan had enlarged into empires, however at th e advent of political chaos brought by Western infringement changed the course of their history, except for Korea, which gained influence from Japan. Obviously, western interventions had brought significant contribution in the political and social transformation of these countries, yet their cultural identity remained as they were before.The resistance and alienation to Western imperialism has made them gained global pry especially as they began to take advantage of economic opportunities created by their own initiatives and creativeness with the aid from the get together States and United Nations in particular. In case of Korea, modernization was attained while being under the addiction of Japan, which include infrastructure and health development (Myong Soo Cha). Likewise, these countries have proved that cultural distinctiveness does not usurp modernization in the first place but rather enhances sophistication by utilizing their natural resources and abilities.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Stupidest Angel Chapter 2
Chapter 2THE LOCAL GIRLS HAVE A WAY ABOUT THEMThe Warrior Babe of the Outland steered her Honda station wagon down cypress tree Street, stopping forevery ten feet or so for tourists who were stepping into the street from between parked cars, completely listless of any automobile traffic. My kingdom for a razor-blade cowcatcher and Cuisinart wheel covers to cut my path finished this move of ignorant peasant meat, she thought. Then Whoa, I guess I really do need the meds. So she say, They act want Cypress Street is the midway at Disneyland like no one very has to use the street to drive on. You guys wouldnt do that, would you?She glanced over her shoulder at the two damp immature boys who were huddled in the corner of the keister informalityoceant of the car. They shook their heads furiously. One said, No, Miss Michon, no wed never. No.Her real reboot was molly Michon, but years ago, as a B-movie queen, shed done eight movies as Kendra, Warrior Babe of the Outland. She h ad a wild mane of blond hair shot with gray and the body of a fitness model. She could fend for up for thirty or fifty, depending on the time of day, what she was wearing, and how deeply medicated she was. Fans agreed that she was plausibly approximatelywhere in her previous(predicate) to midforties.Fans. The two teenage boys in the posteriorseat of the car were fans. Theyd made the mis pursue of taking part of their Christmas break to go to Pine Cove in search of the famed cult-film star, Molly Michon, and get her autograph on their copies of Warrior Babe VI Revenge of the Savage Skank, upright released on DVD, with never-before-seen tabootakes of Mollys boobs popping push through of her gun-metal bra. Molly had seen them skulking nigh the impertinent of the cabin she shared with her husband, Theo Crowe. Shed snuck come to the fore the cover charge door and ambushed them on the side of the house with a tend hose sprayed them down effectual, chased them through the pine away forest till the hose reeled out of its cart, therefore she tackled the taller one and threatened to snap his neck if the some other one didnt stop in his tracks.Realizing at that head that she talent have made a public relations error, Molly invited her fans to come along to ease pick out a Christmas tree for the Santa genus Rosa Chapel Christmas Party for the Lonesome. (She had been making more than a a few(prenominal) minor misjudgments lately, as shed stopped taking her meds a week ago in revisal to save money for Theos Christmas present.)So, where are you guys from? she said cheerfully.Please dont hurt us, said Bert, the taller, thinner of the two kids (She had been thought of them as Bert and Ernie not because they really looked like the puppets, but because they had the similar relative shapes except for the big give way up their bottoms, of course.)Im not freeing to hurt you. Its great to have you along. The guys at the Christmas-tree dole out are a lower-ranking wary of me since I fed one of their coworkers to a sea monster a few years ago, so you guys can sort of act as a social buffer. Damn, she shouldnt have mentioned the sea monster. Shed had so many years of obscurity between the time shed been pushed out of the movie business until the resurgence to cult status of her movies that shed lost most of her people skills. And then there was that fifteen-year disconnect with reality when shed been cognize as Pine Coves crazy lady but since shed hooked up with Theo, and had stayed on her anti-psychotics, things had been a lot check.She turned into the parking lot of Pine Cove Hardware and Gift, where a half acre of tarmac was corralled move out for the Christmas-tree lot. Upon sleuthing her car, three middle-aged guys in canvas aprons quickstepped their way into the store, threw the bolt, and turned the Open sign to CLOSED.Shed thought this might happen, but she valued to surprise Theo, prove that she could handle g etting the big Christmas tree for the chapel party. instantly these narrow-minded minions of Black & Decker were foiling her plans for a perfect Christmas. She took a deep breath and tried to emanate herself into a calm moment as her yoga teacher had instructed.Well, she did live in the middle of a pine forest, didnt she? Maybe she should just go cut a Christmas tree herself.Lets just go back to the cabin, guys I have an ax there that will work.Noooooooo screamed Ernie as he reached across his damp friend, threw the latch on the Hondas door, and rolled them both out of the moving car into a pallet of plastic reindeer.Okay, then, Molly said, you guys take care. Ill just see if I can cut a tree out of the front yard. She swung around in the parking lot and headed back home.Slick with sweat, Lena Marquez slid out of her Santa suit like a botch lizard emerging from a fuzzy red egg. The temperature had risen into the high seventies before shed destroyed her shift at the Thrifty-Mart, and she was sure shed probably lost five malleuss in water in the good suit. Wearing only her bra and panties, she padded into the bathroom and jumped on the scale to enjoy the surprise fillip weight loss. The disk spun and settled on her usual preshower weight. Perfect for her height, catch fire for her age, but dammit, shed fought with her ex, been pounded with ice, rang out good cheer for the less fortunate, and endured the jolly heat of the Santa suit for eight hours, she deserved something for her efforts.She took off her bra and panties and hopped back on the scale. No discernible difference. Dammit She sat, peed, wiped, and jumped back on the scale. Maybe a third of a pound below normal. Ah she thought, brushing her beard aside so she could read the scale more clearly, this could be the problem. She pulled off the w worke beard and Santa hat, flung them into the nearby bedroom, shook out her long black hair, and waited for the scale to settle.Oh yeah. Four pounds. She di d a quick Tae Bo kick of celebration and stepped into the shower. She winced as she soaped up, hitting a sore spot there by her solar plexus. There were a couple of purple bruises developing on her ribs where the ice bag had hit her. Shed had more pain after doing too many crunches at the gym, but this pain seemed to shoot on through to her heart. Maybe it was the thought of spending Christmas alone.This would be her first since the divorce. Her sister, whom shed spent the last few Christmases with, was going with her husband and the kids to Europe. Dale, total prick that he was, had involved her in all sorts of holiday activities from which she was now excluded. The rest of her family was back in Chicago, and she hadnt had any luck with men since Dale too much residual anger and mistrust. (He hadnt just been a prick, he had cheated on her.) Her girlfriends, all of them married or paired up with semipermanent boyfriends, told her that she mandatory to be single for a while, spend some time getting to know herself. That, of course, was total bullshit. She knew herself, desire herself, washed herself, dressed herself, bought herself presents, took herself out on dates, and even had sex with herself from time to time, which always ended better than it used to with Dale.Oh, that get-to-know-yourself tug will send you full-blown batshit, said her friend Molly Michon. And believe me, I am the uncrowned queen of batshit. Last time I really got to know myself it turned out there was a whole gang of bitches in there to deal with. I felt like the receptionist at a rehab center. They all had nice tits, though, I gotta say. Anyway, forget that. Go out and do stuff for someone else. Thats much better for you. Get to know yourself what good is that? What if you get to know yourself and find out youre a total harpy? Sure, I like you, but you cant trust my judgment. Go do something for other people.It was true. Molly could be uh, eccentric, but she did make sense o ccasionally. So Lena had volunteered to man the Salvation Army kettle, shed still canned food and frozen turkeys for the Pine Cove Anonymous Neighbors food drive, and tomorrow night, as soon as it got dark, she was going to go out and collect live Christmas trees and drop them off at the homes of people who probably wouldnt be able to afford them. That should take her mind off herself. And if it didnt work, shed spend Christmas Eve at the Santa Rosa Chapel Party for the Lonesome. Oh God, there it was. It was Christmastime, and she was in the Christmas olfactory perception she was feeling lonesome.To mavis Sand, the owner of the Head of the lap saloon, the word lonesome rang like the bell on a cash register. Come Christmas break, Pine Cove alter up with tourists seeking small-town charm, and the Head of the Slug filled up with lonesome, disenfranchised winners seeking solace mavis was glad to serve it up in the form of her signature (and overpriced) Christmas cocktail, the S low Comfortable Screw in the Back of Santas Sleigh, which consisted of Well, fuck off if you need to know whats in it, Mavis would say. Im a professional barkeeper since your daddy flushed the condom that held your only hope of havin a brain, so get in the spirit and inn the goddamn drink.Mavis was always in the Christmas spirit, right down to the Christmas-tree earrings that she wore year-round to give her that new-car smell. A sheaf of mistletoe the size of a moose head hung over the order station at her bar, and throughout the season, any unsuspecting drunk who leaned too far over the bar to shout his order into one of Maviss hearing aids would find that beyond the fluttering black nylon whips of her mascara-plastered pseudo lashes, so-and-so the groyne with the hair and the palette knife-applied cakes of Red Seduction lipstick, past the Tareyton 100s breath and the clacking dentures, Mavis still had some beneficial tongue action left in her. One guy, breathless and stagg ering toward the door, claimed that she had tongued his medulla oblongata and bear on visions of being choked in Deaths dark closet which Mavis took as a compliment.About the same time that Dale and Lena were having their go-round down at the Thrifty-Mart, Mavis, perched on her stool behind the bar, looked up from a crossword lodge to see the most beautiful man shed ever lain eyes on coming through Slugs recur doors. What had once been a desert bloomed down low where for years lay a dusty streambed, a mighty river did now flow. Her heart skipped a beat and the defibrillator implanted in her chest gave her a little jolt that sent her sluicing electric off her bar stool to his service. If he ordered a wallbanger shed come so hard her tennis shoes would rip out from the toe curl, she knew it, she felt it, she wanted it. Mavis was a romantic.Can I help you? she asked, batting her eyelashes, which gave the appearance of spastic wolf spiders convulsing behind her glasses.A half-doz en daytime regulars who had been sitting at the bar turned on their stools to behold the source of that oily courtesy there was no way that voice had come out of Mavis, who normally spoke to them in tones of disdain and nicotine.Im look for for a kidskin, said the stranger. He had long blond hair that fanned out over the rain flap of a black trench coat. His eyes were violet, his facial features both broken and delicate, finely cut and yet with no lines of age or experience.Mavis tweaked the little knob on her right hearing aid and tilted her head like a dog who has just bitten into a plastic pork chop. Oh, how the pillars of lust can crumble under the weight of stupidity. Youre looking for a baby bird? asked Mavis.Yes, said the stranger.In a bar? On a Monday afternoon? Youre looking for a child?Yes.A particular child, or will just any child do?Ill know it when I see it, said the stranger.You sick fuck, said one of the daytime regulars, and Mavis, for once, nodded in agreem ent, her neck vertebrae clicking like a socket wrench.Get the inferno out of my bar, she said. A long, lacquered fingernail pointed the way back out the door. Go on, get out. What do you think this is, Bangkok?The stranger looked at her finger. The Nativity is approaching, am I correct?Yeah, Christmas is Saturday. Mavis growled. The hell does that have anything to do with anything?Then Ill need a child before Saturday, said the stranger.Mavis reached under the bar and pulled out her miniature baseball bat. Just because he was pretty didnt mean he couldnt be improved by a smack upside the head with a piece of earnest hickory. manpower a wink, a thrill, a damp squish, and before you knew it it was time to start raising lumps and loosening teeth. Mavis was a pragmatic romantic love correctly performed, she believed hurts.Smack im, Mavis, cheered one of the daytime regulars.What kind of perv wears an overcoat in seventy-five-degree weather? said another. I say brain him. Bets w ere beginning to be exchanged back by the pool table.Mavis tugged at an errant chin hair and peered over her glasses at the stranger. Think you might want to move your little search on down the road some?What day is it? asked the stranger.Monday.Then Ill have a diet Coke.What about the kid? asked Mavis, punctuating the question by thwack the baseball bat against her palm (which hurt like hell, but she wasnt going to flinch, not a notice).I have until Saturday, said the beautiful perv. For now, just a diet Coke and a Snickers bar. Please.Thats it, Mavis said. Youre a dead man.But, I said please, said Blondie, missing the point, somewhat.She didnt even bother to throw open the lift-away through the bar but ducked under it and charged. At that moment a bell rang, and a beam of light blasted into the bar, indicating that someone had come in from outside. When Mavis stood back up, leaning heavily on her back foot as she wound up to knock the strangers nads well into the next county, he was gone.Problem, Mavis? asked Theophilus Crowe. The constable was standing right where the stranger had been.Damn, whered he go? Mavis looked around behind Theo, then back at the daytime regulars.Whered he go?Got me, they said, a chorus of shrugs.Who? asked Theo.Blond guy in a black trench coat, said Mavis. You had to pass him on the way in.Trench coat? Its seventy-five degrees out, said Theo. Id have noticed someone in a trench coat.He was a perv someone shouted from the back.Theo looked down at Mavis. This guy flash you?Their height difference was nearly two feet and Mavis had to back up a step to look him in the eye. Hell no. I like a man who believes in truth in advertising. This guy was looking for a child.He told you that? He came in here and said he was looking for a kid?Thats it. I was just getting put in to teach him some Youre sure he hadnt lost his kid? That happens, Christmas shopping, they wander away No, he wasnt looking for a particular kid, he was just lo oking for a kid.Well, maybe he wanted to be a Big Brother or Secret Santa or something, said Theo, expressing a faith in the goodness of man for which he had little to no evidence, do something nice for Christmas.Goddammit, Theo, you dumbfuck, you dont have to pry a priest off an altar boy with a crowbar to figure out that hes not circumstances the kid with his Rosary. The guy was a perv.Well, I should probably go look for him.Well, you probably oughta should.Theo started to turn to go out the door, then turned back. Im not a dumbfuck, Mavis. Theres no need for that kind of talk.Sorry, Theo, said Mavis, lumbering her baseball bat to show the sincerity of her contrition. Why was it you came in, then?Cant remember. Theo raised his eyebrows, daring her.Mavis grinned at him. Theo was a good guy a little flaky but a good guy. authentically?Nah, I just wanted to check with you on the food for the Christmas party. You were going to barbecue, right?I was homework on it.Well, I just h eard on the radio that theres a pretty good chance of rain, so you might want to have a backup plan.More liquor?I was persuasion something that wouldnt involve cooking outdoors.Like more liquor?Theo shook his head and started toward the door. Call me or Molly if you need any help.It wont rain, said Mavis. It never rains in December.But Theo was gone, out on the street looking for the trench-coated stranger.It could rain, said one of the daytime regulars. Scientists say we could see El Nio this year.Yeah, like they ever tell us until after half the state has washed away, said Mavis. Screw the scientists.But El Nio was coming.El Nio. The Child.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Bag of Bones CHAPTER ONE
On a very virulent solar day in August of 1994, my married woman t octogenarian me she was going stack to the Derry Lords Supper Aid to pick up a fill on her sinus medicine prescription this is rack you fanny defile everyplace the enumerateer these days, I believe. Id finished my writing for the day and finishered to pick it up for her. She utter thanks, al iodine she wanted to purpose a piece of slant at the supermarket next ingress each air two birds with unmatched stone and solely of that. She blew a kiss at me score the ribbon of her hand and went erupt. The next judg handst of conviction I saw her, she was on TV. Thats how you identify the dead here in Derry nary(prenominal)walking dash off a subterranean corridor with green tiles on the w anys and colossal fluorescent nix everyplacehead, no naked body rolling out of a chilly drawer on casters you save go into an office marked PRIVATE and look at a TV screen and vocalize yep or nope.The ceremony Aid and the Shopwell atomic number 18 less than a mile from our house, in a footling neighborhood strip m entirely which also supports a moving picture store, a used-book store named Spread It close to (they do a very brisk moving in in my old paper keep goings), a Radio Shack, and a Fast Foto. Its on Up-Mile Hill, at the intersection of Witcham and Jackson.She parked in front of Blockbuster Video, went into the drugstore, and did business with Mr. Joe Wyzer, who was the pill pusher in those days he has since moved on to the Rite Aid in Bangor. At the tick she picked up one of those little chocolates with marshmallow in human face, this one in the shape of a mouse. I tack to make outher it later, in her round. I unwrapped it and ate it myself, sitting at the kitchen table with the contents of her red handbag scattering out in front of me, and it was like taking Communion. When it was bygone except for the taste of chocolate on my tongue and in my throat, I burst into tear s. I sat in that respect in the litter of her Kleenex and organisation and keys and half-finished rolls of Certs and cried with my hands over my eyes, the way a kid cries.The sinus inhaler was in a Rite Aid bag. It had cost twelve dollars and eighteen cents. There was something else in the bag, in like manner an item which had cost twenty-two-fifty. I looked at this other item for a long time, go foring it alone not under(a)standing it. I was striked, maybe take rarify stunned, still the idea that Johanna Arlen Noonan faculty support been leading other life, one I knew nothing about, never crossed my mind. Not accordingly.Jo left the register, walked out into the bright, hammering insolate again, swapping her regular glasses for her prescription sunglasses as she did, and erect as she stepped from beneath the drugstores slight overhang (I am imagining a little here, I figure, crossing over into the country of the novelist a little, barely not by very much only by inches, and you flush toilet trust me on that), there was that shrewish howl of locked tires on paving material that means theres going to be either an possibility or a very close presage.This time it happened the sort of accident which happened at that stupid X-shaped intersection at least(prenominal) once a week, it seemed. A 1989 Toyota was pulling out of the shopping-center place lot and turning left onto Jackson Street. Behind the wheel was Mrs. Esther Easterling of Barretts Orcseveres. She was start out out with by her fri abate Mrs Irene Deorsey, also of Barretts Orchards, who had shopped the video store without finding anything she wanted to rent. Too much violence, Irene said. some(prenominal)(prenominal) women were cigarette widows. Esther could hardly convey missed the orange Public Works dump truck climax down the hill although she denied this to the police, to the newspaper, and to me when I talked to her some two months later, I think it likely that she dep abolishable forgot to look. As my own mother (another cigarette widow) used to say, The two most common ailments of the elderly are arthritis and forgetfulness. They contri thoet be held responsible for neither.Driving the Public Works truck was William Fraker, of Old Cape. Mr. Fraker was thirty-eight years old on the day of my wifes expiration, driving with his shirt off and mentation how badly he wanted a self-possessed shower and a cold beer, not necessarily in that order. He and three other men had spent eight hours putting down asphalt patch out on the Harris Avenue addendum near the airport, a hot job on a hot day, and Bill Fraker said yeah, he might take a shit been going a little too fast maybe forty in a thirty-mile-an-hour zone. He was eager to get back to the ga craziness, sign off on the truck, and get tin the wheel of his own F-150, which had air conditioning. Also, the dump trucks brakes, while unassailable enough to pass inspection, were a long way from tip-top condition. Fraker hit them as soon as he saw the Toyota pull out in front of him (he hit his horn, as well), but it was too late. He heard screaming tires his own, and Esthers as she belatedly realized her danger and saw her face for just a moment.That was the worst part, somehow, he told me as we sat on his porch, drinking beers it was October by then, and although the sun was warm on our faces, we were both wearing sweaters. You plump how high up you sit in one of those dump trucks? I nodded. Well, she was looking up to see me craning up, youd say and the sun was full in her face. I could see how old she was. I remember thinking, holy place shit, shes gonna break like glass if I cant stop. still old people are tough, more(prenominal) oftentimes than not. They can surprise you. I mean, look at how it turned out, both those old biddies understood alive, and your wife . . . He stopped then, bright red color dashing into his cheeks, making him look like a boy wh o has been laughed at in the schoolyard by girls who film noticed his fly is unzipped. It was comical, but if Id smiled, it only would have confused him.Mr. Noonan, Im sorry. My mouth just sort of ran away with me.Its all right, I told him. Im over the worst of it, anyway. That was a lie, but it put us back on track.Anyway, he said, we hit. There was a loud go to sleep, and a crumping sound when the drivers side of the car caved in. Breaking glass, too. I was thrown and twisted against the wheel hard enough so I couldnt draw a breath without it hurting for a week or more, and I had a big bruise right here. He drew an arc on his chest just down the stairs the collarbones. I banged my head on the windshield hard enough to crack the glass, but all I got up there was a little purple knob . . . no bleeding, not even a headache. My wife says Ive just got a naturally thick skull. I saw the woman driving the Toyota, Mrs. Easterling, thrown across the console between the front bucket seat s. Then we were finally stopped, all tangled unneurotic in the middle of the street, and I got out to see how bad they were. I tell you, I pass judgment to find them both dead.Neither of them was dead, neither of them was even unconscious, although Mrs. Easterling had three broken ribs and a dislocated hip. Mrs. Deorsey, who had been a seat away from the impact, suffered a concussion when she rapped her head on her window. That was all she was treated and released at national Hospital, as the Derry News always puts it in such cases.My wife, the former Johanna Arlen of Malden, Massachusetts, saw it all from where she stood outside the drugstore, with her purse slung over her shoulder and her prescription bag in one hand. Like Bill Fraker, she must have thought the occupants of the Toyota were either dead or seriously hurt. The sound of the collision had been a hollow, authoritative bang which rolled by dint of the hot subsequentlynoon air like a bowling ball down an alley. The sound of breaking glass edged it like jagged lace. The two vehicles were tangled violently together in the middle of Jackson Street, the dirty orange truck looming over the pale- bluing import like a bul double-dealing parent over a cowering child.Johanna began to sprint across the park lot toward the street. Others were doing the same all around her. One of them, Miss Jill Dunbarry, had been window-shopping at Radio Shack when the accident occurred. She said she thought she remembered travel rapidly past Johanna at least she was pretty for certain she remembered someone in yellow slacks but she couldnt be sure. By then, Mrs. Easterling was screaming that she was hurt, they were both hurt, wouldnt somebody help her and her friend Irene.Halfway across the put lot, near a little cluster of newspaper dispensers, my wife vaporize down. Her purse-strap stayed over her shoulder, but her prescription bag slipped from her hand, and the sinus inhaler slid halfway out. The other item st ayed put.No one noticed her untruth there by the newspaper dispensers everyone was focused on the tangled vehicles, the screaming women, the spreading puddle of piddle and antifreeze from the Public Works trucks ruptured radiator. (Thats gas the clerk from Fast Foto shouted to anyone who would listen. Thats gas, watch out she dont blow, fellas) I suppose one or two of the would-be rescuers might have jumped right over her, perhaps thinking she had fainted. To assume such a thing on a day when the temperature was pushing ninety-five degrees would not have been unreasonable.Roughly two dozen people from the shopping center clustered around the accident another four dozen or so came running over from Strawford Park, where a baseball second had been going on. I imagine that all the things you would expect to hear in such situations were said, many of them more than once. Milling around. Someone reaching through the misshapen hole which had been the drivers-side window to pat Esthers trembling old hand. People immediately giving way for Joe Wyzer at such moments anyone in a white rise automatically becomes the belle of the ball. In the distance, the warble of an ambulance siren rising like shaky air over an incinerator. every during this, lying unnoticed in the parking lot, was my wife with her purse bland over her shoulder (inside, still wrapped in foil, her uneaten chocolate-marshmallow mouse) and her white prescription bag near one outstretched hand. It was Joe Wyzer, hurrying back to the pharmacy to get a compression bandage for Irene Deorseys head, who spotted her. He recognized her even though she was lying face-down. He recognized her by her red hair, white blouse, and yellow slacks. He recognized her because he had waited on her not fifteen minutes sooner.Mrs. Noonan? he asked, for acquire all about the compression bandage for the brumous but apparently not too badly hurt Irene Deorsey. Mrs. Noonan, are you all right? subtle already (or so I suspect perhaps I am wrong) that she was not.He turned her over. It took both hands to do it, and even then he had to work hard, kneeling and pushing and lifting there in the parking lot with the wake up baking down from above and then bouncing back up from the asphalt. Dead people put on weight, it seems to me both in their flesh and in our minds, they put on weight.There were red marks on her face. When I identified her I could see them clearly even on the video monitor. I started to ask the assistant medical examiner what they were, but then I knew. Late August, hot pavement, elementary, my dear Watson. My wife died getting a sunburn.Wyzer got up, saw that the ambulance had arrived, and ran toward it. He pushed his way through the crowd and grab seat one of the attendants as he got out from behind the wheel. Theres a woman over there, Wyzer said, pointing toward the parking lot.Guy, weve got two women right here, and a man as well, the attendant said. He tried to pull away, but Wyzer h eld on.Never mind them right instantaneously, he said. Theyre basically okay. The woman over there isnt.The woman over there was dead, and Im pretty sure Joe Wyzer knew it . . . but he had his priorities straight. Give him that. And he was convincing enough to get both paramedics moving away from the tangle of truck and Toyota, in spite of Esther Easterlings cries of pain and the rumbles of protest from the Greek chorus.When they got to my wife, one of the paramedics was quick to confirm what Joe Wyzer had already suspected. Holy shit, the other one said. What happened to her?Heart, most likely, the first one said. She got excited and it just blew out on her.But it wasnt her heart. The autopsy revealed a brain aneurysm which she might have been living with, all unknown, for as long as five years. As she sprinted across the parking lot toward the accident, that weak vessel in her cerebral cortex had blown like a tire, drowning her control-centers in blood and killing her. Death ha d probably not been instantaneous, the assistant medical examiner told me, but it had still come swiftly enough . . . and she wouldnt have suffered. Just one big black nova, all necromancer and thought gone even in advance she hit the pavement.Can I help you in any way, Mr. Noonan? the assistant ME asked, turning me gently away from the still face and closed eyes on the video monitor. Do you have questions? Ill answer them if I can.Just one, I said.I told him what shed purchased in the drugstore just before she died. Then I asked my question.The days leading up to the funeral and the funeral itself are dreamlike in my warehousing the clearest memory I have is of eating Jos chocolate mouse and crying . . . crying mostly, I think, because I knew how soon the taste of it would be gone. I had one other crying fit a some days after we buried her, and I will tell you about that one shortly.I was iris for the arrival of Jos family, and particularly for the arrival of her oldest broth er, click. It was point-blank Arlen fifty, red-cheeked, portly, and with a head of lush dark hair who nonionised the arrangements . . . who wound up actually dickering with the funeral director.I cant believe you did that, I said later, as we sat in a booth at Jacks Pub, drinking beers.He was nerve-wracking to stick it to you, Mikey, he said. I loathe guys like that. He reached into his back pocket, brought out a handkerchief, and wiped absently at his cheeks with it. He hadnt broken down none of the Arlens broke down, at least not when I was with them but Frank had leaked steadily all day he looked like a man suffering from severe conjunctivitis.There had been six Arlen sibs in all, Jo the youngest and the only girl. She had been the pet of her big brothers. I suspect that if Id had anything to do with her death, the five of them would have torn me obscure with their bare hands. As it was, they formed a protective shield around me instead, and that was equitable. I suppo se I might have muddled through without them, but I dont know how.I was thirty-six, remember. You dont expect to have to bury your wife when youre thirty-six and she herself is two years younger. Death was the last thing on our minds.If a guy gets caught taking your stereo out of your car, they call it theft and put him in jail, Frank said. The Arlens had come from Massachusetts, and I could still hear Malden in Franks voice caught was coowat, car was cah, call was caul. If the same guy is trying to sell a grieving husband a three-thousand-dollar casket for forty-five c dollars, they call it business and ask him to speak at the Rotary Club luncheon. Greedy asshole, I fed him his lunch, didnt I?Yes. You did.You okay, Mikey?Im okay. truly okay?How the fuck should I know? I asked him, loud enough to turn some heads in a nearby booth. And then She was pregnant.His face grew very still. What?I struggled to keep my voice down. Pregnant. Six or seven weeks, according to the . . . you kno w, the autopsy. Did you know? Did she tell you?No Christ, no But there was a extraordinary look on his face, as if she had told him something. I knew you were trying, of course . . . she said you had a low sperm count and it might take a little while, but the doctor thought you guysd probably . . . sooner or later youd probably . . . He trailed off, looking down at his hands. They can tell that, huh? They check for that?They can tell. As for checking, I dont know if they do it automatically or not. I asked.Why?She didnt just buy sinus medicine before she died. She also bought one of those home pregnancy-testing kits.You had no idea? No soupcon?I shook my head. He reached across the table and squeezed my shoulder. She wanted to be sure, thats all. You know that, dont you?A refill on my sinus medicine and a piece of fish, shed said. Looking like always. A woman off to run a couple of errands. We had been trying to have a kid for eight years, but she had looked just like always.Sure , I said, patting Franks hand. Sure, big guy. I know.It was the Arlens led by Frank who handled Johannas send off. As the source of the family, I was assigned the obituary. My brother came up from Virginia with my mom and my auntie and was allowed to tend the guest-book at the viewings. My mother close to completely ga-ga at the age of sixty-six, although the doctors refused to call it Alzheimers lived in Memphis with her sister, two years younger and only meagerly less wonky. They were in charge of cutting the cake and the pies at the funeral reception.Everything else was arranged by the Arlens, from the viewing hours to the components of the funeral ceremony. Frank and Victor, the second-youngest brother, spoke brief tributes. Jos dad offered a prayer for his daughters soul. And at the end, Pete Breedlove, the boy who cut our grass in the summer and raked our yard in the fall, brought everyone to tears by singing Blessed Assurance, which Frank said had been Jos favourite(a ) hymn as a girl. How Frank tack together Pete and persuaded him to sing at the funeral is something I never prime out.We got through it the afternoon and evening viewings on Tuesday, the funeral service on Wednesday morning, then the little pray-over at Fairlawn Cemetery. What I remember most was thinking how hot it was, how lost I felt without having Jo to talk to, and that I wished I had bought a new pair of shoes. Jo would have pestered me to death about the ones I was wearing, if she had been there.Later on I talked to my brother, Sid, told him we had to do something about our mother and Aunt Francine before the two of them disappeared completely into the Twilight Zone. They were too young for a nursing home what did Sid advise?He advised something, but Ill be demonic if I know what it was. I agreed to it, I remember that, but not what it was. Later that day, Siddy, our mom, and our aunt climbed back into Siddys rental car for the drive to Boston, where they would spend the night and then grab the Southern semilunar the following day. My brother is happy enough to chaperone the old folks, but he doesnt fly, even if the tickets are on me. He claims there are no breakdown lanes in the sky if the engine quits. nigh of the Arlens left the next day. Once more it was dog-hot, the sun glaring out of a white-haze sky and lying on everything like melted brass. They stood in front of our house which had become solely my house by then with three taxis lined up at the curb behind them, big galoots hugging one another amid the litter of tote-bags and saying their goodbyes in those foggy Massachusetts accents.Frank stayed another day. We picked a big deal of flowers behind the house not those ghastly-smelling hothouse things whose aroma I always associate with death and organ-music but real flowers, the kind Jo liked best and stuck them in a couple of coffee cans I found in the back pantry. We went out to Fairlawn and put them on the new grave. Then we just sa t there for awhile under the beating sun.She was always just the sweetest thing in my life, Frank said at last in a strange, muffled voice. We took care of Jo when we were kids. Us guys. No one messed with Jo, Ill tell you. Anyone tried, wed ply em their lunch.She told me a lot of stories.Good ones?Yeah, real good.Im going to miss her so much.Me, too, I said. Frank . . . listen . . . I know you were her favorite brother. She never called you, maybe just to say that she missed a period or was feeling whoopsy in the morning? You can tell me. I wont be pissed.But she didnt. Honest to God. Was she whoopsy in the morning?Not that I saw. And that was just it. I hadnt seen anything. Of course Id been writing, and when I spare I pretty much trance out. But she knew where I went in those trances. She could have found me and shaken me fully awake. Why hadnt she? Why would she hide good news? Not wanting to tell me until she was sure was plausible . . . but it somehow wasnt Jo.Was it a bo y or a girl? he asked.A girl.Wed had names picked out and waiting for most of our marriage. A boy would have been Andrew. Our daughter would have been Kia. Kia Jane Noonan.Frank, part six years and on his own, had been staying with me. On our way back to the house he said, I post on about you, Mikey. You havent got much family to fall back on at a time like this, and what you do have is far away.Ill be all right, I said. He nodded.Thats what we say, anyway, isnt it?We?Guys. Ill be all right.And if were not, we try to make sure no one knows it. He looked at me, eyes still leaking, handkerchief in one big sunburned hand. If youre not all right, Mikey, and you dont want to call your brother I saw the way you looked at him let me be your brother. For Jos sake if not your own.Okay, I said, respecting and appreciating the offer, also knowing I would do no such thing. I dont call people for help. Its not because of the way I was raised, at least I dont think so its the way I was made. Johanna once said that if I was drowning at minacious Score Lake, where we have a summer home, I would die silently fifty feet out from the national beach rather than yell for help. Its not a question of love or affection. I can give those and I can take them. I feel pain like anyone else. I involve to touch and be touched. But if someone asks me, Are you all right? I cant answer no. I cant say help me.A couple of hours later Frank left for the southern end of the state. When he undefendable the car door, I was touched to see that the taped book he was comprehend to was one of mine. He hugged me, then surprised me with a kiss on the mouth, a good hard smack. If you need to talk, call, he said. And if you need to be with someone, just come.I nodded.And be careful.That startled me. The combination of heat and grief had made me feel as if I had been living in a dream for the last few days, but that got through.Careful of what?I dont know, he said. I dont know, Mikey. Then he got into his car he was so big and it was so little that he looked as if he were wearing it and drove away. The sun was going down by then. Do you know how the sun looks at the end of a hot day in August, all orange and somehow squashed, as if an invisible hand were pushing down on the top of it and at any moment it might just pop like an overfilled mosquito and swagger all over the horizon? It was like that. In the east, where it was already dark, thunder was rumbling. But there was no rain that night, only a dark that came down as thick and stifling as a blanket. All the same, I slipped in front of the word processor and wrote for an hour or so. It went pretty well, as I remember. And you know, even when it doesnt, it passes the time.My second crying fit came three or four days after the funeral. That perceive of being in a dream persisted I walked, I talked, I answered the phone, I worked on my book, which had been about eighty percent complete when Jo died but all the time the re was this clear sense of disconnection, a feeling that everything was going on at a distance from the real me, that I was more or less phoning it in.Denise Breedlove, Petes mother, called and asked if I wouldnt like her to bring a couple of her friends over one day the following week and give the big old Edwardian pile I now lived in alone rolling around in it like the last pea in a restaurant-sized can a good stem-to-stern cleaning. They would do it, she said, for a hundred dollars split even among the three of them, and mostly because it wasnt good for me to go on without it. There had to be a scrubbing after a death, she said, even if the death didnt happen in the house itself.I told her it was a fine idea, but I would pay her and the women she brought a hundred dollars each for six hours work. At the end of the six hours, I wanted the job done. And if it wasnt, I told her, it would be done, anyway.Mr. Noonan, thats far too much, she said.Maybe and maybe not, but its what Im paying, I said. Will you do it?She said she would, of course she would.Perhaps predictably, I found myself going through the house on the evening before they came, doing a pre-cleaning inspection. I guess I didnt want the women (two of whom would be complete strangers to me) finding anything that would embarrass them or me a pair of Johannas silk panties stuffed down behind the sofa cushions, perhaps (We are often overcome on the sofa, Michael, she said to me once, have you noticed?), or beer cans under the loveseat on the sunporch, maybe even an unflushed toilet. In truth, I cant tell you any one thing I was looking for that sense of operating in a dream still held firm control over my mind. The clearest thoughts I had during those days were either about the end of the novel I was writing (the psychotic killer had lured my heroine to a high-rise building and meant to push her off the roof) or about the Norco Home Pregnancy Test Jo had bought on the day she died. Sinus prescription, she had said. Piece of fish for supper, she had said. And her eyes had shown me nothing else I needed to look at twice.Near the end of my pre-cleaning, I looked under our bed and saw an open soft-cover on Jos side. She hadnt been dead long, but few household lands are so dusty as the Kingdom of Underbed, and the light-gray coating I saw on the book when I brought it out made me think of Johannas face and hands in her position Jo in the Kingdom of Underground. Did it get dusty inside a coffin? Surely not, but I pushed the thought away. It pretended to go, but all day long it kept creeping back, like Tolstoys white bear.Johanna and I had both been side majors at the University of Maine, and like many others, I reckon, we fell in love to the sound of Shakespeare and the Tilbury townsfolk cynicism of Edwin Arlington Robinson. Yet the writer who had bound us closest together was no college-friendly poet or essayist but W. Somerset Maugham, that elderly globetrotting novelist-playwri ght with the reptiles face (always obscured by cigarette smoke in his photographs, it seems) and the romantics heart. So it did not surprise me much to find that the book under the bed was The Moon and Sixpence. I had read it myself as a late teenager, not once but twice, identifying passionately with the character of Charles Strickland. (It was writing I wanted to do in the South Seas, of course, not painting.)She had been using a playing card from some defunct coldcock as her place-marker, and as I opened the book, I thought of something she had said when I was first getting to know her. In Twentieth-Century British Lit, this had been, probably in 1980. Johanna Arlen had been a fiery little sophomore. I was a senior, picking up the Twentieth-Century Brits simply because I had time on my hands that last semester. A hundred years from now, she had said, the shame of the mid-twentieth-century literary critics will be that they embraced Lawrence and ignored Maugham. This was greeted with contemptuously good-natured laughter (they all knew Women in Love was one of the greatest damn books ever written), but I didnt laugh. I fell in love.The playing card marked pages 102 and 103 Dirk Stroeve has just discovered that his wife has left him for Strickland, Maughams version of capital of Minnesota Gauguin. The narrator tries to buck Stroeve up. My dear fellow, dont be unhappy. Shell come back . . .Easy for you to say, I murmured to the room which now belonged just to me.I turned the page and read this Stricklands injurious calm robbed Stroeve of his self-control Blind rage seized him, and without knowing what he was doing he flung himself on Strickland. Strickland was taken by surprise and he staggered, but he was very strong, even after his illness, and in a moment, he did not on the nose know how, Stroeve found himself on the floor.You funny little man, said Strickland.It occurred to me that Jo was never going to turn the page and hear Strickland call the pathetic Stroeve a funny little man. In a moment of brilliant epiphany I have never forgotten how could I? it was one of the worst moments of my life I understood it wasnt a flaw that would be rectified, or a dream from which I would awaken. Johanna was dead.My strength was robbed by grief. If the bed hadnt been there, I would have fallen to the floor. We weep from our eyes, its all we can do, but on that evening I felt as if every pore of my body were weeping, every crack and cranny. I sat there on her side of the bed, with her dusty paperback copy of The Moon and Sixpence in my hand, and I wailed. I think it was surprise as much as pain in spite of the corpse I had seen and identified on a high-resolution video monitor, in spite of the funeral and Pete Breedlove singing Blessed Assurance in his high, sweet mental strain voice, in spite of the graveside service with its ashes to ashes and dust to dust, I hadnt really believed it. The Penguin paperback did for me what the big gray coffi n had not it insisted she was dead.You funny little man, said Strickland.I lay back on our bed, crossed my forearms over my face, and cried myself to sleep that way as children do when theyre unhappy. I had an awful dream. In it I woke up, saw the paperback of The Moon and Sixpence still lying on the coverlet beside me, and decided to put it back under the bed where I had found it. You know how confused dreams are logic like Dal clocks gone so soft they lie over the branches of trees like throw-rugs.I put the playing-card bookmark back between pages 102 and 103 a turn of the index finger away from You funny little man, said Strickland now and unceasingly and rolled onto my side, hanging my head over the edge of the bed, meaning to put the book back exactly where I had found it.Jo was lying there amid the dust-kitties. A strand of cobweb hung down from the bottom of the boxwood spring and caressed her cheek like a feather.Her red hair looked dull, but her eyes were dark and refr eshing and baleful in her white face. And when she spoke, I knew that death had driven her insane.Give me that, she hissed. Its my dust-catcher. She snatched it out of my hand before I could offer it to her. For a moment our fingers touched, and hers were as cold as twigs after a frost. She opened the book to her place, the playing card fluttering out, and placed Somerset Maugham over her face a enfold of words. As she crossed her hands on her bosom and lay still, I realized she was wearing the blue dress I had buried her in. She had come out of her grave to hide under our bed.I awoke with a muffled cry and a painful jerk that almost tumbled me off the side of the bed. I hadnt been asleep(predicate) long the tears were still damp on my cheeks, and my eyelids had that funny stretched feel they get after a bout of weeping. The dream had been so vivid that I had to roll on my side, hang my head down, and chum under the bed, sure she would be there with the book over her face, that she would reach out with her cold fingers to touch me.There was nothing there, of course dreams are just dreams. Nevertheless, I spent the rest of the night on the couch in my study. It was the right choice, I guess, because there were no more dreams that night. Only the nothingness of good sleep.
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