
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Magical Healthy Goodies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Magical Healthy Goodies - Essay Example She plans to receive orders and preferences regarding goods through wall postings and messages. The products will be delivered two days after the order is posted on Facebook. The proposed business is in its start up phase. At this stage the aim of the business is to earn as much profits as possible to finance the initial set up of the business. Another objective of the business is to create awareness about its existence and get many customers. She cannot afford to use expensive methods of advertising her products. The business also aims to establish a reputation of always delivering goods on time and a reputation of selling good quality and healthy goods. The business cannot afford to pay the salary of too many employees. Ms Fatmah Hemdan has decided to appoint Ms. Alyaa Mohamed as her personal assistant and she would look after the entire business management. The business activity is a home-based business, named as Magical Healthy Goddies. Products offered are healthy and low calorie products like Cookies, Pastries and cakes. Customization of products is also intended to be available according to the needs and demands of the customers. Ms Fatmah Hemdan has decided to use the social networking site, Facebook for marketing her goods. This hardly involves any expenditure and will help her to get her initial set of customers. After her goods become popular she can expect to get more customers through ‘word of mouth’ publicity. This company is a sole proprietorship. The main stakeholder in this company is the owner herself. Ms Fatmaha has to be careful to avoid undercapitalization and has to ensure that the business has sufficient working capital. Ms Fatmah may take a loan from the bank to meet the initial start up and operating expenses. Banks may not lend seed capital and she might have to borrow from her close relatives. Therefore the stakeholders in the company would be

Monday, October 28, 2019

The structure of the play Essay Example for Free

The structure of the play Essay In the Requiem we see Willys funeral, but alas, the friends and customers he claimed to have has not shown up. Linda and Happy are confused as to why this is, but Charley, Biff and Bernard know and have come to terms with the fact that Willy was not well liked and that his business ventures were ill-fated and old-fashioned. Biff finally opens up and says that Willy had the wrong dreams and Willy never knew who he was. Happy is distressed by what Biff says and is almost ready to fight. Happy obviously still believe in Willys ideals and in capitalism and states that he is gonna win it for him (Willy) much to the distress of Biff who knows that it is a vain attempt at getting rich quick. Linda is comforted by Charley, who says that being a salesman is a good profession and that a salesman has got to dream. Charley goes on to say he was a happy man with a batch of cement, this could be interpreted as the author saying that most people are happy to work for a purpose, e.  g. Socialism. Throughout much of the play we see Willy symbolising old capitalism, the belief that if you work hard and are well liked then you gain lots of financial wealth. In the Requiem we see the death of this old capitalism due to the unscrupulous nature of new capitalism which unfortunately, is not dead yet. Ben, Willys brother, symbolises new capitalism, the belief that if you are merciless and cut-throat in business then you will gain financial success. Much of the play is spent showing how new capitalism is getting rid of old capitalism. The structure of the play Throughout the play we have frequent flashbacks to the past, as Willys life falls apart and he dreams about the past to preserve his happiness. As the play progresses, the flashbacks become more frequent and crossover more into the present. The flashbacks are essential to the rest of the play and provide vital points that are key to the story. As the flashbacks become more frequent and frenzied, Willy starts acting out the flashbacks in the present. This makes him appear crazy and even leads Biff and Happy to openly claim Willy is not their father. Miller uses these flashbacks to adequately convey the emotion and structure of Willys breakdown to the audience. Conclusion Death of a salesman could easily be interpreted as an attack on the unscrupulous nature of all capitalism, but this is only a small part of the play. It is an emotive story of the last few days of a failed salesmans life, as he seeks happiness in the past and can not face the reality of his life. It is about a man who has been robbed by time and takes refuge in the past when he was well liked, yet in the present no-one in the business world likes him. Miller has written Death of a salesman in a powerful way and is successful in his purpose of touching the reader and making the read thinking about the world and the life they lead.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Limitation of International Trade Essay -- Economics

Limitation of International Trade One limitation of International Trade is "dumping." The Investopedia states that, "dumping in international trade occurs when one country exports a significant number of goods to another country at prices lower than in the domestic market (Investopedia. 2010)". For example, if a country decides to sell exported products cheaper than it does to its residents, the process is known as dumping. Romadia has to decide whether to impose tariffs, or set a quota on its import products. Dumping has created a probability that an adverse effect can happen because the result of the adverse effect is a shortage and increases in the prices of the products. Price increases lower the demand for the products. The country’s growth progress hindered because dumping is hurting those countries competing. Four Key Points The four points from the simulation are the supply and demand of the items and the cost factors that came with cheese, corn, watches, and DVD players; the balance of trade; opportunity cost; and dumping. This means that the supply and demand of the items and the cost factors were cheap to receive the items and have the items imported in than to make them locally. The balance of trade was discussed in the simulation. The balance of trade is the difference between what goods a country produces and how many goods the buys from overseas. For example, it was the difference between the value of the goods from Uthania and Alfazia exports and the value of the goods to Rodamia imports. The concept of opportunity cost provides for differences in comparative advantage among countries because it is the cost of passing up the next best choice when making a decision. Each county has a different mix of ... ... trade derives from being strong-minded against trade, not concerns based on ideological concerns. Works Cited Investopedia (c) 2010. Dumping. Retrieved from http//www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dumping.asp. Retrieved on August 18, 2010 Lee. Dwight R. "Comparative Advantages Continued" The Freeman:Ideas on Liberty-October 1999. Retrieved from www.http\\www.CommonSenseeconomic/Reading/ComparativeAdvantage. Carbaugh, Robert, Wassink, Darwin. (1992). International dumping: final and intermediate products. Retrieved on August 19, 2010, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W53-45JK7H1-1M&_user=10&_coverDate=07%2F01%2F1992&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1436752361&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=68fed43879d5ff1560c8af4c96253305

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How To Overcome Shyness

Enjoy a happier life by overcoming your shyness!One of the most common (and effective) obstacles to success is shyness, or a reluctance to interact with other people. Getting ahead in life requires the ability and willingness to communicate with others, and shyness prevents many people from communicating effectively.Overcoming shyness can be done with a bit of effort and willpower. If shyness is holding you back, here are a few ways to control and even eliminate it: Tell yourself that you have nothing to fear by talking to other people. Most people are friendly and easy to talk to. This basic understanding is essential for overcoming your shyness!Make an effort to talk to everyone you meet during the day, even if it's just to say hello. And take the initiative. Don't wait for the other person to speak first.Make eye contact with everyone you speak to. Eye contact actually diminishes shyness and puts you at ease.Get involved with groups and organizations that require you to interact w ith the other members. Be an active participant and speak up when in group settings.Don't be intimidated by those in positions of authority over you, such as teachers, police officers, politicians, etc. They're human just like the rest of us, even if they have achieved great things in life.SummaryYou can overcome your shyness by taking charge of the situation. Always try to speak to everyone you encounter during your day.Even if you start out by saying just one sentence, before long your confidence will grow, you'll find yourself more at ease speaking in public, and you will be well on the road to overcoming your shyness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Understanding Leadership

Idyllically, our society has today become a society of institutions. Apparently, they need to be led in an organized way, lest everyone fails, now and the time to come. When our organization fails to be effective and responsible, there are terrible things that are likely to fill the void. In this case, performing, responsible management is the alternative to tyranny and our protection against bad leadership. Managing with courage enables the leader to be enthusiastic and focused in his dealings, hence leading people in the right direction. In most cases, when management fails, totalitarianism prevails. The Drucker article by Peter F. Drucker gathers series information about leadership and management. From the article and in juxtaposition of my personal experience, I feel it wise to share the various ways through which I can exercise leadership in our society today in order to lead people to the direct path. Nevertheless, in leadership, there are a lot that one may encounter that can either weaken or strengthen him as a leader. All in all, by the end of the day, ultimate measure must be attained that the society can appreciate.My Strength in Relation to LeadershipAs a leader, I must admit that I have good and admirable communication skills. This is awfully important when it comes to leadership because those in employment inherently need to understand the nature of task you are giving them. I set my goals appropriately and allow the people I lead to set theirs too. By the end of the day, they have to be met however difficult the situation may be. In so doing, I speak clearly when talking to someone, and in cases where I have to address them on media, I ensure that the electronic me ssages are not vague. Proper communication ensures that none of the information is left out and the recipients act on them accordingly. On the same plinth, I am a leader who possesses good social skills. A leader is someone who needs to regularly meet strangers in order to discuss business. In so doing, one must be able to socialize without any discrimination. Likewise, while talking to the employees, one should be outgoing and so that you can be liked by the workers. I am a leader who exercises social skills adequately in order to accommodate everyone. My skills come as a no surprise, but it is seen in every aspect of my communication. On the same pedigree, I posses high listening skills, I speak comfortably about the products sold and the business at large. This puts me in high possession in case of competition, because of the high standards of decorum that I posses. I love the fact that I am a leader who is confident, determined and work with others as a team. In my leadership, I am able to push through the drawbacks that may affect the business with a lot of confidence. I am much determined that in so doing, I must achieve positive result. While dealing with the setbacks affecting the business, there are a lot of huddles that comes on the way, however, I remain steadfast to ensure that I push through to win by the end of the day. In addition, I involve other stakeholders in decision making and solving of problems that affect the business. I am a leader who is flexible and ever ready to change with the changes, as long as they lead the business towards the right direction. I am a leader who goes with priority. Prioritization is hugely important, and often, when lacking, it holds people back. I look at what is most important to the business at the very particular time. When that that thing is not well done, it gives me space to explore on my creativity and efficiency. Through prioritization, the team is well led because every worker knows what to do at an appropriate time. In the same connection, I keep to my words. This comes in the sense that when I promise to do something to the employees, I have to accomplish it despite the huddles met on the way. Some of the promises that I ensure that are taken care of include, the end year party, additional training to the employees to help them gain much experience, granting more vocational time to them and I ensure that I follow through no matter what. I came to realize that this does not only build trust, but also increases the level of productivity, motivation and engagement.Values that Shape my Leadership SkillsI am a loyal and respectful leader. In the first case, I respect myself and my job too. On the other hand, I ensure that the workers are treated with demureness in every realm. High standards of ethical values are maintained at work place in every circumstance. Development of greater employee loyalty and respect lead to respect among the employees and the employer. Another aspect of my value that helps me move to greater heights is the aspect of fair dealing. I have the history of fair and just connections with the employees. I ensure that the employee who deserves promotion is promoted without fear or favor. On the same line, when it comes to motivating the workers, I do it diligently so that none of them feels left out. I come to learn that when an employee is motivated, he gets the intrinsic drive to do the work and the morale is boosted in order to give outstanding outcome. I am someone who bases his decisions on values, and not beliefs. For example, when situations arise at work place, I have to deal with it head on until I arrive at a decision on what to do. I do not use beliefs to formulate responses. I use substantial values to formulate my responses, and the method has always given me the best solutions. On the same pedigree, I stimulate visions and inspire others. My job creates vision and inspires others to make their visions a reality. They get passion and interest in whatever thing they do because of the zeal and zest they get from me. As a leader, I focus less on numbers, and more values of building a team that brings positive results.What I can Contribute as far as Leadership is ConcernedThis question stern leads to some useful questions that a leader should ask him. Contributions a leader makes should be geared towards the success of the organization. They can either be short, medium or long term contributions. Moving in that line helps the leader to stay focused in his plans. Remarkable leaders think about their contribution, and how their leadership is making a difference to people, products, processes, Customers, and the community at large. As per my case, I am a leader who is a connector. I focus to connect the employees, colleagues, superiors, and the clients. I foster the work done by these parties with a lot of collaborations. I also display genuine considerations for the respect and openness. In so doing, I fully understand the concern of others and in case there is any that requires my attention, I effusively react to it on time so that none can feel offended. As a leader, I am an implementer. In this case, I do planning on time, I discipline those who go contrary to the organization's expectations or those who do not follow the ethos, pathjos and the logos of the company. I also measure the work to be done by every individual and monitor how the work is being done. In so doing, no of the stone remain unturned. Most importantly, I ensure that the organization's resources are well kept and are used for the benefit of the organization and not any other purpose. Depending on the management level, I implement the set goals and ensure that they are in constant line with the strategy set. Interestingly, I give reward to the employees who adhere to the rules set and those who do their work diligently without getting into problems with others. Such acts makes the organization lively in most of the time, hence makes people to work in unison. My third profile is that I am a resolute leader. This is one of the most parts that fail many leaders. It sometimes becomes awfully difficult to make decision concerning the organization. Some might be affecting the welfare of the workers; others might be for the rank adjustments, among many others. Making such decision may affect people in series of ways, nonetheless, the have to be made for the progress of the organization. While making such decision, I become agile and independent and I display great aplomb concerning the very decision. I put into action what is necessary and priority to the organization at that particular time. Despite the interruptions and ambiguities that characterizes such decisions; I remain steadfast to ensure that they are implemented. It is important to remain focused on what is essential and to avoid unnecessary disruption when faced with challenges regarding such hard decisions. I ensure that the energy I spend to influence and convince people point out to the direction I want them to go. I am a visionary leader. I exercise my vision starting from the short, medium and long term objectives. I also look at the in-depth in which the objectives are to achieved and plan for the appropriate pedagogical approach to realize them. When I realize that an approach to be implemented might not work to bring success, I swiftly pull out and employ an appropriate pedagogy. In the same pedigree, I am accurately study the environment under which some things can best work out, and help my workers to anticipate on what is coming and develop sound strategy for copying what can bring success. As a visionary leader, I innovate and seize profitable business opportunities that are not identified by others and venture into them. In so doing, I have the ability to forgo networks and partnership and even influence from other people that can make me not realize what is beneficial to the organization. While taking business, my communications are imbued with my vision because I have the talent to inspire and motivate other with my ideas.Areas to work on in respect of LeadershipBeing a leader is not easy, and it frequently requires time and patience to master the role. At the core, all that most workers want is someone to guide them rather than boss them around. If your intentions and motives are in your company and team's best interests, you're unlikely to fail. There are so many things that as a leader you should put into consideration for the things to work out properly. As a leader, one should try and work on excessive connectivity. Constant connectivity allows the managers to provide feedback on the go. It also helps them to manage workers across all the working zones. The only problem associated with it is that it can always lead to an always –connected, omnipresent approach of leadership, which may disgust many employees, hence making them not to work meticulously. A leader should not be stagnant. It is always important to lead a team that grows. In this dictum, growth starts with the leader himself. This is realized in his ideas, action plans, and how he implements the plans. A stagnant leader is an egocentric leader. He is adamant to the progress of the company, hence unyielding any fruit. It is easy for the company to lose credibility if there is no continued innovation. A leader who does not remind the organization of its purpose does not motivate the team hence losing focus. On the same plinth, a leader should not need to be liked. Leaders are first people and it is natural that they want to be liked. Instead of a leader trying to be well liked among the employees, they should seek to be understood and respected. Similarly, respect is two way traffic, you first respect the workers is when they retaliate. Proper communication with everyone at work place keeps the members in the loop about the reasons behind the decision made. Most importantly, a leader should not be hypocritical in nature. He should do what he says and reverse the same. Hypocrites in most cases lead the business to failure.Short, Medium and Long Term Leadership Plans in LeadershipIn order to be successful in any ordeal, it is pivotal to plan appropriately. Taking charge of the future should be done strategically. One needs well kept records of measurable milestones and goals. In the same line, one needs to upgrade the skills and update the knowledge and information on frequent basis to en sure that they are attained as planned. As a leader, I have my short, medium and long term plans that help me in leading the team. As short term plan requires, I am inherently curtained that the company rules and regulations are followed because through them, the medium plans are achieved. On the same note, I ensure that promotions are done appropriately so that the company can be led into the right directions. The medium plans include developing a larger and more professional network with other related companies so as to expand business territory. The long term plans on the other hand is to ensure that the organization is autonomous and can support workers from and outside the nation. The plans are implemented one after the other to ensure that all are attained. Innately, I have to remain a leader of the people at all cost. I have to ensure that I maintain the highest standards to leadership skills and avoid anything that can paint my leadership blue. In order to construct my leadership skills and learning opportunities, I ensure that I am ready to learn from others. I also organize for conferences where we meet as managers to learn from one another. Most importantly, I give social support to the society in order to maintain good relationship with them in most cases. This is achieved by creating job opportunities to the society within the premise, and also relaxing the prices of the commodities so that everyone gets serviced by the end of the day.ConclusionFrom the analysis made, series of conclusion can be arrived at. It is important to note that The Drucker article by Peter F. Drucker gathers series information about leadership and management. It explains ways in which one can becomes a successful leader in the society. Borrowing my skills from the article, I have learned that a leader is nurtured and through the process, he should become a responsible person in the society. My leadership skills have taught me a lot in life and have taken me to high platforms to negotiate businesses for the betterment of the organization I lead. That which crowns all is that a leader should be humble. Humility is a very important aspect that all leaders should posses.?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Life Of Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Illinois on January 6, 1878. He lived to become a Pulitzer Prize winning poet and biographer of Abraham Lincoln, novelist, journalist, children's author, and troubador of American folk songs. He grew up in the fields of Illinois, travelled the box cars of the midwest, campaigned for the Socialist party, was film critic and Chicago advocate. Carl Sandburg's poetry expresses the hearty, earthy nature of America, finding both soft and harsh beauty amongst her people. Sandburg died on Saturday, July 22, 1967, at his home in North Carolina. On October 1, 1967, his ashes were buried beneath "Remembrance Rock" at his birthplace in Galesburg, Illinois. Two of Sandburg's homes are now historic sites. The Carl Sandburg State Historic Site, his boyhood home in Galesburg, is where the poet and his wife rest for the remainder of time. Contact the Carl Sandburg Historic Site Association for hours of operation and special event information. At the time of his death, Carl Sandburg lived in North Carolina. The home is now a National Park with a nice bookstore containing new books and materials about the author. Write to them for ordering information. The Blockhead Travel Itinerary also has an interesting discussion of the Sandburg house. John Heasly also maintains a wonderful Carl Sandburg Historic Site Association w... Free Essays on The Life Of Carl Sandburg Free Essays on The Life Of Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Illinois on January 6, 1878. He lived to become a Pulitzer Prize winning poet and biographer of Abraham Lincoln, novelist, journalist, children's author, and troubador of American folk songs. He grew up in the fields of Illinois, travelled the box cars of the midwest, campaigned for the Socialist party, was film critic and Chicago advocate. Carl Sandburg's poetry expresses the hearty, earthy nature of America, finding both soft and harsh beauty amongst her people. Sandburg died on Saturday, July 22, 1967, at his home in North Carolina. On October 1, 1967, his ashes were buried beneath "Remembrance Rock" at his birthplace in Galesburg, Illinois. Two of Sandburg's homes are now historic sites. The Carl Sandburg State Historic Site, his boyhood home in Galesburg, is where the poet and his wife rest for the remainder of time. Contact the Carl Sandburg Historic Site Association for hours of operation and special event information. At the time of his death, Carl Sandburg lived in North Carolina. The home is now a National Park with a nice bookstore containing new books and materials about the author. Write to them for ordering information. The Blockhead Travel Itinerary also has an interesting discussion of the Sandburg house. John Heasly also maintains a wonderful Carl Sandburg Historic Site Association w...

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom History Questions essay

buy custom History Questions essay The civil rights movement, which covered the aftermath of second world war through the end of the 1960s, marked a turning point era, which achieved far more than the exclusion of racial barriers; it resulted to the vast transition of American cultural, social, economic, and political experiences. Alterations to widespread idea concerning the citizenship rights of blacks, for instance, joined with a restatement of the function of the courts and the government in defending these rights persists to support the human rights throughout America, in spite of their skin color. During this time, the movement occurred as campaign of civil rights targeted at obtaining change through nonviolent kinds of resistance. The procedure was long and straining, nonetheless, in 1950s, two incidents emphasized the movements intentions and brought it to public spotlight. NAACP on May 17, 1954 won an exceptional legal battle. The Supreme Court collectively ruled that isolation in public schools was unconstitutional. At this time, most Southern racist activities were strongly established, and most whites remained unyielding to the change. This move led to fierce resistance by school heads and even threatened to harass the black students. The other occurrence that attracted public eye happened in Montgomery, Alabama. On December 1, 1955, the NAACP official boarded a public bus and occupied the back seat, but Parks later opposed to giving out the seat to a white passenger. The blacks during that week boycotted public bus system and in support of Parks, NAACP and some other leaders took that chance to create attention of their cause. A vast resistance led by Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the racist laws. Th e blacks persisted in their boycott for almost a year before the federal courts interceded and reconciled the buses. This incident was remarkable not because it pulled down certain Jim Crow law but also because it illustrated that the colored people by determination and unity can make their voices listened to and affect change. In 1957, the Civil Rights Act was passed compelling voting and other rights to the blacks. On the other hand, NAACP steadily challenged the reinforcement of segregation, and several new associations were created to promoting civil rights most of which were Christian based (Brinkley, 2006). How was the movement the product ofboth grassroots African-Americanleadership and international developments since World War II? The movement was the product of both grassroots African-American leadership because throughout this period, the Kings and other leaders were concerned on the welfares of all individuals. They combined forces to fight for equality and the massive gathering that was usually the common activity in support of their unity, leadership skills were cultivated as most of those who were chosen learned how to bargain with the government and other authorities. The most affected victims were the blacks but with the determination and unity, they managed to convince the whites that they also had equal rights. Through the various campaigns Kings and leaders across the world so the sense of unity and federalism. The acceptance of blacks was a great relief since instead of having constant conflicts; there was improvement in development locally and internationally. This was because individuals were free to shae ideas and skills. This also enhanced movement where international trade was promoted. It was therefore, clear that through peaceful coexistence and equality everyone will be satisfied and contribute equally to economic development both locally and internationally. What impact did the Black Power movement have? The movement was famous in the late 1960s through to 1970s and was a tool for stressing the racial pride and development of black political and cultural organizations to cultivate and support black unprecedented concerns and improve black values. The movement illustrates a wide field of political objectives, from protection over racial coercion, to the creation of separate social organizations and a self-sufficient economy. In addition, the movement assisted inn arranging a number of society self help groups an organizations, which did not rely on the whites. It was applied to compel black learning programs at different levels of learning, and to rally black voters to select black candidates both directly and indirectly. Also as a replacement of the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Power movement developed what Herbert Haines call constructive essential flank impact on political issues of the 1970s (Brinkley, 2006). Lesson 6 Essay Discuss the difficulties of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War from the first Bush Administration through the second Bush Administration. The foreign policy of the United States refers to a foreign rule of the US in which it associates with other nations and creates standards of association for its citizens, corporations, and institutions. The policy over the years has faced many challenges in delivering its objectives. However, after the Cold War, the US foreign policy has encountered crucial changes but hindered by several difficulties. For example, 11 Sept 2001 attack caused increased hardship of the US foreign policy. More stress was put on the military reaction to war on terrorism. However, since the end of the Cold War through to the Bush administration, the US has faced two major difficulties. One of them being how the government would fill the huge political vacuum developed by the withdrawal of the hegemonies currently practices by Japan and Germany against big and fundamental fields of Northern Hemisphere. The ambiguity and surfacing conflicts over the assistant remarks relating to not only Central and Easter n Europe but also sections of East Asia, which have been overtaken by Japan. This is comprised of alas Indochina, the inhabitation of Asian factors of the difficulty came to transform not just the Soviet Union and the US settlers of influenced borders but also, with the achievement of Chinese evolution, the new communist power in China (Brinkley, 2006). President George Walker Bush (president from 1989-1993) and the George Bush junior who too office in 2001 invented the term new world order following the failure of communism and just before the effectiveness of the Gulf War campaign. The policy has been also influenced by the increasing economic hardship throughout the world. US being the world superpower state is given the mandate of controlling the economic factors, but with general challenges in the entire world, their foreign policy faces many difficulties as the other nations depend on their decisions. How has America struggled with its post-Cold War identity? The end of the Cold War and US administration has generated a distinct chance to create reflective alterations in the international humanitarian structure. On the same note, there are new problems, most of which resulted from the collapse of the Soviet Union. The collapse is considered great achievements by the US administration since it has no other close competitor in terms of military operation and economics. The US has also tried as much to dominate most of the world crucial areas and suppressing those who might form alliances over them. For instance, the supposed weapons of mass destruction at Iraq were destroyed and military deployed in various places throughout the world to oversee and detect criminal activities. The Americans also have succeeded in influencing world politics as a survival tactic following the end of Cold War (Brinkley, 2006). What strategies were attempted in the 1990s? Since the Soviets no longer support any socialist, while Chinese have least opportunity of extending their influence, the US adopted different approaches of remaining the superpower. One of the approaches is to ensure other capable nations ignore the national sovereignty of a state lead by authoritarian rulers. They set out strict rules for such leaders and whoever breaks them faces criminal offences at international courts. This led to most countries supporting their administration, thus, reducing chances of merging and fighting against the US. Furthermore, the US also concentrated more on developed countries and ensured they dominated their activities and economics. This was done by increasing donor activities across borders and imposing regulations to govern their activities. How did 9-11 reshape American foreign policy? The 9-11 attack changed the American history in almost all sectors. However, many changes were made on the foreign policy that controls the relationship of the US with other countries. More worries were visible in the national security strategy since the attack was a show down that the Americans military were not doing enough in combating terrorist, which could have encouraged other countries to develop alliances and coalition especially the Islamic states. They had to act immediately to create strong policies that would break countries from forming such coalitions. The desire for amendments in policy was certainly urgent since grand regulations can easily gain momentum, with current intercessions causing more challenges calling for further actions. The policy after the attack was intended, therefore, to address real risk facing the country. As a nation, they anonymously campaign to support a realistic foreign policy for America (Brinkley, 2006). What difficulties ensued from that new policy? There were several difficulties encountered after the creation of the new policy. One, is that most countries did not accept the policy because they felt threatened by the attack, they rejected the US policy because by accepting terrorist will also attack them for supporting the US government. Other factors ensuing form the creation of the policy is effects of domestic interests, the policies or character of other states including plans to increase certain geopolitical designs. Buy custom History Questions essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Prueba de ADN para la tarjeta de residencia permanente

Prueba de ADN para la tarjeta de residencia permanente Durante los trmites para obtener la tarjeta de residencia por peticià ³n de un familiar es posible que se exija  una prueba de ADN para probar que efectivamente existe un và ­nculo de sangre entre la persona que pide los papeles y el potencial migrante para el que se solicitan. Tanto los ciudadanos americanos como los residentes permanentes legales pueden solicitar tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida por green card, para diferentes familiares pero el gobierno quiere estar seguro de que esa relacià ³n es verdadera. Por ello es importante conocer por quà © se puede pedir un test de ADN, si es necesario o voluntario o, en este à ºltimo caso, si es recomendable tomarlo y, finalmente, cà ³mo es la tramitacià ³n de todo el proceso.  ¿Por quà © se puede pedir una prueba de ADN en las peticiones de familia? Las pruebas de ADN sirven para probar genà ©ticamente la relacià ³n biolà ³gica entre dos personas en la tramitacià ³n de las visas de familia.   Por ejemplo, que entre solicitante y pedido hay efectivamente una relacià ³n de padre e hijo, madre e hijo, hermanos o hermanastros, etc. Para probar esta relacià ³n es siempre necesario contar con ejemplos biolà ³gicos de las dos personas cuya relacià ³n familiar se trata de establecer. Generalmente basta con pasar un bastoncillo por el interior de la boca.  ¿Es obligatoria la prueba de ADN en todas las peticiones por familia biolà ³gica? No, y de hecho son la excepcià ³n. Generalmente se prueba la relacià ³n entre solicitante y pedido ms all de toda duda, mediante documentos, como por ejemplo, el certificado o acta de nacimiento. Como son pruebas caras y que lleva tiempo practicarlas sà ³lo se solicitan estas pruebas cuando no existen otros medios para demostrar la relacià ³n entre dos personas, como pueden ser documentos o fotografà ­as, o por la razà ³n que sea se sospecha de que el và ­nculo biolà ³gico puede no ser real.   Es tambià ©n ms comà ºn que este tipo de prueba se solicite cuando la tarjeta de residencia se tramita mediante un procedimiento consular que cuando se gestiona todo el proceso dentro de los Estados Unidos mediante un ajuste de estatus. Lo cierto es que es ms importante prestar atencià ³n a otros posibles problemas que pueden surgir en el proceso, como asegurarse de que se cumplen con los requisitos econà ³micos para patrocinar, que se va a pasar el examen mà ©dico al que sà ­ deben de someterse todos los candidatos a migrantes y, finalmente, que no afecta ninguna de las circunstancias que provocan que la tarjeta de residencia sea denegada.   Trmites para la prueba de ADN para la green card cuando se pide Cuando el oficial consular o cualquier funcionario migratorio  solicita una prueba de ADN, el beneficiario de la tarjeta de residencia, si à ©sta se llega a conceder, decide voluntariamente si se somete o no a la prueba. De realizarla, debe cancelar el costo à ©l mismo o el solicitante de la tarjeta (su padre, madre, hijo, hija, hermano o hermanastro) el importe por la prueba, que deber ser abonada al laboratorio antes de realizarse. Solamente pueden realizarse las pruebas de ADN en uno de los laboratorios acreditados por la Asociacià ³n americana de bancos de sangre (AABB, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Es importantà ­simo verificar que el laboratorio que va a hacer el anlisis est incluido en esa lista. Si no lo est, la Embajada o el consulado americano no admitirn las pruebas y se habr gastado el dinero en vano. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que hay mucho fraude en este rubro y muchos laboratorios aseguran estar autorizados para realizar estas pruebas para las oficinas consulares americanas y no lo estn. Asà ­ que es muy recomendable tomar el tiempo necesario para checar la lista y una vez que se tenga buscar el laboratorio ms conveniente por su localizacià ³n. El laboratorio enviar el kit directamente a la oficina consular. Jams al solicitante o al beneficiario de la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia. La prueba se har en la propia oficina consular previo pago del arancel correspondiente por los servicios del mà ©dico que har que tomar la muestra. El dà ­a de la cita para este asunto, el beneficiario de la peticià ³n de la visa de inmigrante debe presentarse a la hora fijada con su pasaporte, una foto y el recibo de haber pagado por los servicios mà ©dicos. Una vez que se ha tomado la prueba de ADN, el propio consulado enviar el kit directamente al laboratorio en los Estados Unidos. Y cuando à ©ste obtenga los resultados, se notificarn directamente a la oficina consular. Y una vez que los tenga decidir cancelar el proceso de tramitacià ³n del permiso de residencia o seguir con el mismo. El beneficiario, si asà ­ lo desea, puede solicitar directamente al laboratorio una copia de los resultados. La oficina consular americana nunca otorgar tal copia. A tener en cuenta para tener à ©xito en la peticià ³n de la green card por familia Que la prueba de ADN demuestre que es verdad que el solicitante y el beneficiario son familiares no significa que la peticià ³n de la residencia permanente vaya a ser aprobada. Simplemente quiere decir  que ese requisito ha sido satisfecho. Las peticiones de tarjetas de residencia pueden ser rechazadas por diversas causas. En la mayorà ­a de los casos, si eso sucede asà ­, ser posible pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como  waiver o permiso. Que puede ser o no concedido. Es muy importante en estos casos contar con el asesoramiento de un abogado migratorio con excelente reputacià ³n y con experiencia en este tipo de casos. Tambià ©n es importante, antes de iniciar los trmites, tener una idea aproximada de cunto van a tardar los papeles, ya que en muchos casos la demora es mucho ms grande de lo que se cree. Finalmente, se recomienda tomar este quiz - trivia  o test- para verificar que se tiene los conocimientos bsicos para obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Es difà ­cil conseguirla. No es conveniente arriesgarse a una denegacià ³n o una cancelacià ³n por falta de informacià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Theoretical Studies In Fashion SOCIAL MEDIA Essay

Theoretical Studies In Fashion SOCIAL MEDIA - Essay Example The essay "Theoretical Studies In Fashion SOCIAL MEDIA" argues that false identities cause manipulation and exploitation, psychological harm to others, bullying, and other forms of cyber crime. The essay further talks about the issues of appropriation and authenticity, and gaze in relation to false identity and fashion. False identity enables people to appropriate ideas in fashion. It also promotes female gaze which represents sexuality and sometimes may cause intimidation of the subjects. The purpose of this essay is to find out the relationship between the use of social media and the creation of false identity. It attempts to establish whether the social media has encouraged the creation of false media. If the social media enhances the creation of false identity, then it is important to understand in what ways the social media does so. The essay also identifies the positive and negative effects of fake identity in the social media. The results of the essay will enable the public to identify situations of false identity in the social media and avoid its repercussions such as psychological trauma, conning, and other effects of false identity. The growth of the social media has acted as a medium to create alternation or false identity, causing sinister opportunities. Performance artists such as Leigh Bowery and Cindy Sherman have expressly been used as examples of celebrities who alternative their identities in the social media. Fake identity in the social media has positive effects as a form of self-expression.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg - Essay Example In fact, some scholars would estimate that without the Civil War the United States might never have become the country that it became. More so, if it were not for two definitive battles of the Civil War, the Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg, then the United States we built would be very different from the one we have today; if we survived at all as a nation. That said understanding the importance of these battles will help us to comprehend why these battles are so significant and if they were such definitive â€Å"turning points† in the war, then why did the war continue on, nearly, another 2 years? By finding the answers to these questions will grant us a greater, broader, picture of how the United States became the country we are today. History . The definitive battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg did not occur until 1863, the Civil War began 2 years earlier. The causes of the Civil War can be summarized in 5 specific contributory elements. In fact, these tensions had been growing since the founding of this country in 1776. 1. The Economic & Social Differences between North and South. By the late 1700s cotton crops were incredibly valuable and profitable. The South developed an agricultural, one crop economy. They were exclusively dependent on the success and sail of their cotton crops and on the inexpensive slave labor that tended them. The North was focused on city life and industrialization. They could already compete with the South’s ability to clean, process, and manufacturer cotton goods. 2. State vs. Federal Rights. Many in America pushed for the supremacy of state’s individual rights and that they should have the right to determine what federal involvement they would accept. While others pushed for greater federal government to unify and force the hand of states. 3. Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents. The argument over whether new states formed would be slave states, free states, or would have the right to choose for themselve s was a heated one. This created serious division between supporters and opposers of slavery in the United States. 4. Growth of the Abolition Movement. The Abolitionist movement, further inspired by the publishing of â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin† and the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act, fueled Northern disdain and hatred for Southern slave-owners. 5. The Election of Abraham Lincoln. Although tensions were already high, Lincoln’s election inspired South Carolina to submit its intention to secede from the United States because Lincoln favored northern interests, and was opposed to slavery. Even before Lincoln took the office, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia, also, intended to join South Carolina (Kelly 2013). By 1861 Fort Sumter, in South Carolina’s Charleston Harbor, contained the last federal holding within the Southern seceding states. Cut off from supplies and reinforcements, the men of Fort Sumter were suffering. On April 11, 1863 Conf ederate soldiers led by Jefferson C, Davis, no relation to the Confederate President, ordered the evacuation of Fort Sumter, delivered personally to Union Major Robert Anderson. Although Anderson thanked the envoy for the courteous and respectfully presented request, he declined to obey the order. As the Confederate envoy left the Fort, it would be only a few short hours before, at 4:30 in the morning; the first battle of Civil War would be fought. Confederate General Pierre Gustavo Beauregard ordered his men to open fire

The French Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The French Revolution - Essay Example They also cancelled all the special privileges of the many nobles and clergymen they felt were clogging up the system. They then looked at what the Americans had done with their Declaration of Independence from the U.K. in which they had tried to give equal rights to everyone. The French basically copies a lot of this and the Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This didn’t have any legal effect, but it was supposed to guide the government in making a new constitution. In the new document, all citizens are supposed to be guaranteed the rights of â€Å"liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.† The Declaration argues that the peoples’ need for laws comes from the fact that â€Å"...the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the enjoyment of these same rights.† So the declaration sees law as a kind of â€Å"expression of the general will,† intending to promote equality of rights and to stop â€Å"actions harmful to society.† This was popular with many groups of people who had been disenfranchised under the old system and were looking for a big change which would give them more political power and reduce their tax rate. Previously the nobles had all the power and all the money; people were fed up and wanted things to be more equal. They felt they were a group that could no longer be trampled on by the upper classes, and that they h ad individual rights and should be able to be active French citizens. Two branches of politics can be seen to come out of this period. In the first—the American model—we can see people respecting individual rights and power devolved from government. In the second model we can see a sort of radicalism that destroys the old order and replaces it with a new radical order that wants everyone to be completely equal. This is the basis and foundation of Communism—many of whose

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Criminal Justice Agency Interventions with Female Offenders Essay

Criminal Justice Agency Interventions with Female Offenders - Essay Example However, in the recent past, there has been an increasing proportion of female offenders, especially the female sex offenders. Unlike the traditional perception that females had motherly love to nurture the males and children, it is shocking to note that an increasing proportion of females sexually abuse other females, males, and children in the contemporary society. The types of sexual abuse are numerous and vary with different situations. The reasons that lead to the increase in such practices among the females are also not very clear. Besides, there is a high possibility that much of the sex-related crimes are not reported to the criminal justice agencies. These are, thus, not included in the estimates by the criminal justice agencies. It is likely that many victims of sexual abuse suffer silently without seeking the help of the authority. Over the years, various states have enacted criminal laws to protect those that are vulnerable to the criminal malpractices from the perpetrato rs. The laws require that justice prevail and that the criminals be punished for their wrong deeds. However, there is an increasing concern that the some of the criminals do receive more punishment than they deserve. There are certain adverse consequences that the criminals face following the provisions of the law that may not serve to correct their behaviors as required. Besides, the poor perceptions that the public have on the criminals following a given offense often do not allow the victims to transform into respectable members of the society. For instance, a woman that has committed a sexual offense to various individuals in the society may be viewed by the pubic as having a unique character compared to a male counterpart who has committed the same. Importance of recognizing â€Å"What works† and â€Å"gender responsive† camp in intervening with female offenders An effective criminal justice system involves the cooperation between the government agencies and other actors like the community to ensure that the members of a given society are protected from criminal activities. Such a system ensures that justice is practiced in handling the criminals and the victims of the crimes. The criminal justice agencies promote social development in the society by alleviating criminal activities and subjecting the lawbreakers to the appropriate penalties. Different reasons could lead to one committing a criminal offense. This could be seen in the kinds of crimes and the frequency with which an individual commits the same crime. Irrespective of these varied factors, it is desirable that the agencies transform the individuals back to responsible members of the society. The criminal laws provide for rehabilitation of the criminals and preventing the subsequent and successive crimes. The laws advocate for proportional punishment to the criminals that can transform them into respectable members of the society. Besides, the crime suspects should not be harassed in the process of criminal investigation and in prosecution as this may lead to a forced submission to the law order. The criminal laws prevent the criminal justice agencies to abuse the criminals and suspects of criminal offenses. There are literatures that focus on what works in relation to the correctional treatment provided to the offenders of different gender. Some literatures pointed out that females have special needs different from the needs of the males. These

Environmental Ruin in Nigeria by Foreign Oil Corparations Essay

Environmental Ruin in Nigeria by Foreign Oil Corparations - Essay Example It causes disruption of human, animal and plant populations. Pollution caused by dumping of oil waste is a major threat to biodiversity. The effect of oil spillage on the marine life cannot be ignored. Both the physical properties and chemical properties of the oil have caused the death of many marine flora and fauna (Agyeman, 424). Introduction Nigeria, being a major oil producer, has not escaped these predicaments. The case is abundantly evident in the Niger delta region of Nigeria where oil mining is mostly practiced. Farmers have watched their source of livelihood taken away by oil pollution. Many of the tribes around are traditionally anglers, but the oil spillage has caused considerable reduction in number of fish in the river Niger. Nigeria is the land that has been endowed with both fertile agricultural lands and a rich oil resource. Major oil companies, including Shell, established mines in this country in 1950s. Since then, the oil mining activities have slowly damaged the natural habitats of the country through pollution of water, land and air. The effects have been this extensive that the livelihood of the Ogoni people who have lived in the Niger Delta for over 500 years is threatened. This paper focuses on how failure of the government to enact policies guarding the degradation of the environment has contributed to the state of environment in the Niger delta. ... Ground water has become contaminated and the people cannot dig up wells to get drinking water. Rainwater is also not safe to drink, as it falls in the form of acidic rain. This acidic rain greatly reduces the fertility of the soil, making it inviable for agricultural production. It is unfortunate that there is no piped water for people living in the region. Human right activists say that the foreign oil company has taken the people’s right to access to safe water. The government has instituted legislations that require mud drilled from mines to be confined in wells or landfills, avoiding seepage in developed countries. The Nigerian government lacks such legislation, and the foreign corporation dumps its drilling wastes directly into the rivers. Air pollution Oil mining has largely contributed to the air pollution in the area around the Niger delta. Flaring of natural gas methane is conducted near people’s homes, producing carbon dioxide fumes and soot. The release of th is gas causes a lot of pollution associated with diseases, such as asthma and lung cancer. This flaring has also caused stunted growth of crops in nearby farms. This is because the soot settles on the leaves of plant inhibiting photosynthesis and transpiration, and this has caused reduced crop yields from nearby farms. Oil spills and wastelands The most evident type of pollution is land pollution that is caused by oil spills. Oil spills causes degradation of the top soil by leaching of nutrients and adding toxic chemicals in the soil, making them unsuitable for plant growth. This oil spills cause destruction of vegetation and pollutes water, if released in the water bodies. There are several

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Criminal Justice Agency Interventions with Female Offenders Essay

Criminal Justice Agency Interventions with Female Offenders - Essay Example However, in the recent past, there has been an increasing proportion of female offenders, especially the female sex offenders. Unlike the traditional perception that females had motherly love to nurture the males and children, it is shocking to note that an increasing proportion of females sexually abuse other females, males, and children in the contemporary society. The types of sexual abuse are numerous and vary with different situations. The reasons that lead to the increase in such practices among the females are also not very clear. Besides, there is a high possibility that much of the sex-related crimes are not reported to the criminal justice agencies. These are, thus, not included in the estimates by the criminal justice agencies. It is likely that many victims of sexual abuse suffer silently without seeking the help of the authority. Over the years, various states have enacted criminal laws to protect those that are vulnerable to the criminal malpractices from the perpetrato rs. The laws require that justice prevail and that the criminals be punished for their wrong deeds. However, there is an increasing concern that the some of the criminals do receive more punishment than they deserve. There are certain adverse consequences that the criminals face following the provisions of the law that may not serve to correct their behaviors as required. Besides, the poor perceptions that the public have on the criminals following a given offense often do not allow the victims to transform into respectable members of the society. For instance, a woman that has committed a sexual offense to various individuals in the society may be viewed by the pubic as having a unique character compared to a male counterpart who has committed the same. Importance of recognizing â€Å"What works† and â€Å"gender responsive† camp in intervening with female offenders An effective criminal justice system involves the cooperation between the government agencies and other actors like the community to ensure that the members of a given society are protected from criminal activities. Such a system ensures that justice is practiced in handling the criminals and the victims of the crimes. The criminal justice agencies promote social development in the society by alleviating criminal activities and subjecting the lawbreakers to the appropriate penalties. Different reasons could lead to one committing a criminal offense. This could be seen in the kinds of crimes and the frequency with which an individual commits the same crime. Irrespective of these varied factors, it is desirable that the agencies transform the individuals back to responsible members of the society. The criminal laws provide for rehabilitation of the criminals and preventing the subsequent and successive crimes. The laws advocate for proportional punishment to the criminals that can transform them into respectable members of the society. Besides, the crime suspects should not be harassed in the process of criminal investigation and in prosecution as this may lead to a forced submission to the law order. The criminal laws prevent the criminal justice agencies to abuse the criminals and suspects of criminal offenses. There are literatures that focus on what works in relation to the correctional treatment provided to the offenders of different gender. Some literatures pointed out that females have special needs different from the needs of the males. These

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Negative Effects of Electric Card and Gas Cars Essay

Negative Effects of Electric Card and Gas Cars - Essay Example Ozone O3 causes global warming, breathing difficulties, chest pains, lung tissue damage, and coughing. Particulate Matter may cause asthma, coughs, lung damage, heart attacks, cancer, and premature death in extreme cases. Unburned hydrogen carbon may cause cancer and while reacted with nitrogen oxides it causes the ozone. Nitrogen oxide causes lung irritation and lung damage. Subject to these effects, it is quite clear that both electric and gas cars have adverse effects on the environment and our health (Natural Gas 1). However, quantifying which type of car harbors the most significant effects is a tall order. Nevertheless, the source of electricity in an electric car clearly defines the amount of pollution created by an electric car. Hence, the source of electricity and location of deployment determines the level of pollution between the electric and gas cars. Where the source of electricity is clean, little pollution comes to place while an unclean source leads to more pollution from a gas vehicle. Hydroelectric power is a clean source of electric power while coal or oil is unclean sources of electricity (Wilkins 1). However, major sources of electricity are neither clean nor unclean thus the challenge of gauging the level of pollution. At the same time, both cars have merits that may outweigh the pollution they cause. Nevertheless, all factors considered, electric vehicles have a great potential to pollute much less than internal combustion engine vehicles. However, when the application of electric cars is in totality, they pose a great risk to pollution than gasoline vehicles. As such, there have been many studies to ascertain the actual position of pollution while comparing the electric and gasoline vehicles. This paper will seek to establish the most efficient car by comparing their negative affects to the environment and health of persons. In achieving this, the paper will address various aspects relating to both cars. In conclusion, the paper will com pare the two cars with a hybrid car and deduce which is better. Fuel consumption price  of the cars One of the factors that will help us to analyze the negative effects of electric and gas car is their fuel consumption and by extension their fuel consumption cost. In the year 2011, about one third of the total petroleum imports went to the transport industry (U.S. Department of Energy 1). It is factual that gasoline cars consume more petrol or diesel than the electric cars (United States Environmental Protection Agency 1). At the same time, in the US the cost of electricity varies in wide dimension to the cost of gasoline. As such, the cost of fuel consumption varies from the gas to the electric car. This cost also varies from one state to another where charges 8 cents per kilowatt-hour while Hawaii charges 36 cents per kilowatt-hour. The electric car's energy consumption rate is in kWh per 100 miles (kWh/100m) where one needs to multiply the recorded figure by the relevant electr ic rate to get the cost per 100 miles. Various utility companies set the cost of electricity depending on the time of use and level of use. Indeed, the consumption cost of either a gas or electric car will equally depend on the make of the car. Overall, there is an approximate 30% fuel

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chapter Essay Example for Free

Chapter Essay What do you think are the prime advantages and disadvantages of National City Corporation’s virtual tryouts? The advantages of using virtual tryouts are competitive edge against other companies. Allows them to pick candidates better suited for their work environment, allows candidates the knowledge that they are applying for a company that is at the cutting edge of technology and they want to move forward with the times. Unfortunately there are also disadvantages associated with virtual tryouts. Employers may grab the interest of candidates, however if real day to day activities at work do not contain some of the aspects that the virtual test had, then employees will get uninterested and quit. 2. Do you think there would be any EEO concerns regarding this system? I don’t think there would be any EEO issues with this system, otherwise it would not be offered in the market. However I do believe that this new system â€Å"Virtual Tryouts† is not necessarily right for all hiring aspects for every type of position/ company. There are aspects of a perfect employee to company match that a computer test cannot guarantee. Example, you can have a candidate that gets great results in the virtual tryouts given the situation that they are told to address, yet in the real day to day situation of the position they do not do very well, and vice-versa. 3. Would you suggest the company tailor its system for different types of candidates? Yes, I recommend that the company tailor its system for the different types of positions and the different types of candidates required to fill those positions. Chapter 8 Case Study Appraising Employees at the San Diego Zoo. 1. Do you think the San Diego Zoo’s old appraisal system needed to be changed? I think it needed to be changed because before they weren’t taking it seriously and it was a low priority to them. Now with the new system the employees will get raises depending on their performance which in turn will ncrease company performance. 2. What do you think are the pros and cons of using a Web-based appraisal system? The pros of using a web-based appraisal system is that it is convenient because a large group of people can be rated in less time and it will control personal bias. The cons of using a web-based appraisal system is that it gives too little attention to the overall performance of workers and in person interviews are more effective in rewarding or po inting out deficiencies in workers. 3. How do you think the new appraisal system will affect employees and the types of employees who work at the zoo? The new appraisal system will affect employees positively for those employees that are looking to grow with the company and be a part of the growth. When an employee is given targets and goals to reach, then they know what they are working towards and they are aware that if they reach the targets and goals there is a gain for them at the end. With this set, you will get employees that are willing to do the work and the time to get a job done right.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Precision Agriculture: Advantages and Disadvantages

Precision Agriculture: Advantages and Disadvantages Precision agriculture Precision farming or precision agriculture is an agricultural concept relying on the existence of in-field variability. It requires the use of new technologies, such as global positioning (GPS), sensors, satellites or aerial images, and information management tools (GIS) to assess and understand variations. Collected information may be used to more precisely evaluate optimum sowing density, estimate fertilizers and other inputs needs, and to more accurately predict crop yields. It seeks to avoid applying inflexible practices to a crop, regardless of local soil/climate conditions, and may help to better assess local situations of disease or lodging. Satellites allow farmers to easily survey their land.[2] Global Positioning Systems (GPS) monitor can find the location of a field to within one meter. It can then present a series of GIS maps that demonstrate which fields are moist or dry, and where there is erosion of soil and other soil factors that stunt crop growth. The data can be used by the farmer to automatically regulate the machine application of fertilizer and pesticide[2]. In the American Midwest (US) it is associated not with sustainable agriculture but with mainstream farmers who are trying to maximize profits by spending money only in areas that need fertilizer. This practice allows the farmer to vary the rate of fertilizer across the field according to the need identified by GPS guided Grid Sampling. Fertilizer that would have been spread in areas that dont need it can be placed in areas that do, thereby optimizing its use. Precision farming may be used to improve a field or a farm management from several perspectives: agronomical perspective: adjustment of cultural practices to take into account the real needs of the crop (e.g., better fertilization management) technical perspective: better time management at the farm level (e.g. planning of agricultural activity) environmental perspective: reduction of agricultural impacts (better estimation of crop nitrogen needs implying limitation of nitrogen run-off) economical perspective: increase of the output and/or reduction of the input, increase of efficiency (e.g., lower cost of nitrogen fertilization practice) Other benefits for the farmer geostatistics integrated farming Integrated Pest Management nutrient budgeting nutrient management precision viticulture Agriculture Landsat program Geostatistics is a branch of statistics focusing on spatiotemporal datasets. Developed originally to predict probable distributions for mining operations, it is currently applied in diverse disciplines including petroleum geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, geochemistry, geometallurgy, geography, forestry, environmental control, landscape ecology, soil science, and agriculture (esp. in precision farming). Geostatistics is applied in varied branches of geography, particularly those involving the spread of disease (epidemiology), the practice of commerce and military planning (logistics), and the development of efficient spatial networks. Geostatistics are incorporated in tools such as geographic information systems (GIS) and digital elevation models. History This section requires expansion with: details. Background When any phenomena is measured, the observation methodology will dictate the accuracy of subsequent analysis; in geography, this issue is complicated by unique variables and spatial patterns such as geospatial topology. An interesting feature in geostatistics is that every location displays some form of spatial pattern, whether in the form of the environment, climate, pollution, urbanization or human health. This is not to state that all variables are spatially dependent, simply that variables are incapable of measurement separate from their surroundings, such that there can be no perfect control population. Whether the study is concerned with the nature of traffic patterns in an urban core, or with the analysis of weather patterns over the Pacific, there are always variables which escape measurement; this is determined directly by the scale and distribution of the data collection, or survey, and its methodology. Limitations in data collection make it impossible to make a direct meas ure of continuous spatial data without inferring probabilities, some of these probability functions are applied to create an interpolation surface predicting unmeasured variables at innumerable locations. Geostatistical terms Regionalized variable theory Covariance function Semi-variance Variogram Kriging Range (geostatistics) Sill (geostatistics) Nugget effect Criticism A major contributor to this section (or its creator) appears to have a conflict of interest with its subject. It may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedias content policies, particularly neutral point of view. Please discuss further on the talk page. ({{{November 2009}}}) Jan W Merks, a mineral sampling expert consultant from Canada, has strongly criticized[1] geostatistics since 1992. Referring to it as voodoo science[2] and scientific fraud, he claims that geostatistics is an invalid branch of statistics. Merks submits[2] that geostatistics ignores the variance of Agterbergs distance-weighted average point grade, ignores the concept of degrees of freedom of a data set when testing for spatial dependence by applying Fishers F-test to the variance of a set and the first variance term of the ordered set, abuses statistics by not using analysis of variance properly, replaced genuine variances of single distance-weighted average point grades with pseudo-variances of sets of distance-weighted average point grades, violating the one-to-one correspondence between variances and functions such as Agterbergs distance-weighted average point grade. Furthermore, Merks claims geostatistics inflates mineral reserve and resources such as in the case of Bre-Xs fraud. Merkss expertise and credibility are supported by several company executives, who regularly hire his consulting services[3]. Philip and Watson have also criticized geostatistics in the past [4]. There is a consensus that inappropriate use of geostatistics makes the method susceptible to erroneous reading of results[3][5]. Related software gslib is a set of fortran 77 routines (open source) implementing most of the classical geostatistics estimation and simulation algorithms sgems is a cross-platform (windows, unix), open-source software that implements most of the classical geostatistics algorithms (kriging, Gaussian and indicator simulation, etc) as well as new developments (multiple-points geostatistics). It also provides an interactive 3D visualization and offers the scripting capabilities of python. gstat is an open source computer code for multivariable geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation. The gstat functionality is also available as an S extension, either as R package or S-Plus library. besides gstat, R has at least six other packages dedicated to geostatistics and other areas in spatial statistics. Notes 1. ^ A website that criticizes Matheronian geostatistics ^ a b See (Merks 1992) 3. ^ a b Sandra Rubin, Whistleblower raises doubts over ore bodies, Financial Post, September 30, 2002. ^ See (Philip and Watson 1986). 5. ^ Statistics for Spatial Data, Revised Edition, Noel A. C. Cressie, ISBN 978-0-471-00255-0. References 1. Armstrong, M and Champigny, N, 1988, A Study on Kriging Small Blocks, CIM Bulletin, Vol 82, No 923  Armstrong, M, 1992, Freedom of Speech? De Geeostatisticis, July, No 14 3. Champigny, N, 1992, Geostatistics: A tool that works, The Northern Miner, May 18 4. Clark I, 1979, Practical Geostatistics, Applied Science Publishers, London 5. David, M, 1977, Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam 6. Hald, A, 1952, Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications, John Wiley Sons, New York 7. Chilà ¨s, J.P., Delfiner, P. 1999. Geostatistics: modelling spatial uncertainty, Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 695 pp. 8. Deutsch, C.V., Journel, A.G, 1997. GSLIB: Geostatistical Software Library and Users Guide (Applied Geostatistics Series), Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 369 pp., http://www.gslib.com/ 9. Deutsch, C.V., 2002. Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling, Oxford University Press, 384 pp., http://www.statios.com/WinGslib/index.html 10. Isaaks, E.H., Srivastava R.M.: Applied Geostatistics. 1989. 11. ISO/DIS 11648-1 Statistical aspects of sampling from bulk materials-Part1: General principles 12. Journel, A G and Huijbregts, 1978, Mining Geostatistics, Academic Press 13:.Kitanidis, P.K.: Introduction to Geostatistics: Applications in Hydrogeology, Cambridge University Press. 1997. 14. Lantuà ©joul, C. 2002. Geostatistical simulation: models and algorithms. Springer, 256 pp. 15. Lipschutz, S, 1968, Theory and Problems of Probability, McCraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 16. Matheron, G. 1962. Traità © de gà ©ostatistique appliquà ©e. Tome 1, Editions Technip, Paris, 334 pp. 17. Matheron, G. 1989. Estimating and choosing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 18. McGrew, J. Chapman, Monroe, Charles B., 2000. An introduction to statistical problem solving in geography, second edition, McGraw-Hill, New York. 19. Merks, J W, 1992, Geostatistics or voodoo science, The Northern Miner, May 18 20. Merks, J W, Abuse of statistics, CIM Bulletin, January 1993, Vol 86, No 966 21. Myers, Donald E.; What Is Geostatistics? 22. Philip, G M and Watson, D F, 1986, Matheronian Geostatistics; Quo Vadis?, Mathematical Geology, Vol 18, No 1 23. Sharov, A: Quantitative Population Ecology, 1996, http://www.ento.vt.edu/~sharov/PopEcol/popecol.html 24. Shine, J.A., Wakefield, G.I.: A comparison of supervised imagery classification using analyst-chosen and geostatistically-chosen training sets, 1999, http://www.geovista.psu.edu/sites/geocomp99/Gc99/044/gc_044.htm 25. Strahler, A. H., and Strahler A., 2006, Introducing Physical Geography, 4th Ed., Wiley. 26. Volk, W, 1980, Applied Statistics for Engineers, Krieger Publishing Company, Huntington, New York. 27. Wackernagel, H. 2003. Multivariate geostatistics, Third edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 387 pp. 28. Yang, X. S., 2009, Introductory Mathematics for Earth Scientists, Dunedin Academic Press, 240pp. 29. Youden, W J, 1951, Statistical Methods for Chemists: John Wiley Sons, New York. External links Kriging link, contains explanations of variance in geostats Arizona university geostats page A resource on the internet about geostatistics and spatial statistics On-Line Library that chronicles Matherons journey from classical statistics to the new science of geostatistics Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geostatistics Categories: Geostatistics Hidden categories: Statistics articles needing expert attention | Articles needing expert attention from August 2009 | All articles needing expert attention | Articles lacking in-text citations from January 2009 | All articles lacking in-text citations | Articles to be expanded from January 2010 | All articles to be expanded | Wikipedia expand-section box with explanation text | Articles to be expanded from August 2008 | Wikipedia articles with sections containing possible conflicts of interest Integrated farming (or integrated agriculture) is a commonly and broadly used word to explain a more integrated approach to farming as compared to existing monoculture approaches. It refers to agricultural systems that integrate livestock and crop production and may sometimes be known as Integrated Biosystems. While not often considered as part of the permaculture movement Integrated Farming is a similar whole systems approach to agriculture[1]. There have been efforts to link the two together such as at the 2007 International Permaculture Conference in Brazil[2]. Agro-ecology (which was developed at University of California Santa Cruz) and Bio-dynamic farming also describe similar integrated approaches. Examples include: pig tractor systems where the animals are confined in crop fields well prior to planting and plow the field by digging for roots poultry used in orchards or vineyards after harvest to clear rotten fruit and weeds while fertilizing the soil cattle or other livestock allowed to graze cover crops between crops on farms that contain both cropland and pasture (or where transhumance is employed) Water based agricultural systems that provide way for effective and efficient recycling of farm nutrients producing fuel, fertilizer and a compost tea/mineralized irrigation water in the process. In 1993 FARRE (Forum de lAgriculture Raisonnà ©e Respecteuse lEnvironnement) developed agricultural techniques France as part of an attempt to reconcile agricultural methods with the principles of sustainable development. FARRE, promotes an integrated and/or multi-sector approach to food production that includes profitability, safety, animal welfare, social responsibility and environmental care. Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (formed in 1994 by the eco-entrepreneur [1]) developed a similar approach to FARRE seeking to promote agricultural and industrial production models that sought to incorporate natures wisdom into the process. ZERI helped support an effort by an environmental engineer from Mauritius named George Chan. Chan working with a network of poly-culture farming pioneers began refining Integrated Farming practices that had already been developed in south-east Asia in the 60,70s and 80s, building on the ancient Night soil farming practice. In China, programs embracing this form of integrated farming have been successful in demonstrating how an intensive growing systems can use organic and sustainable farming practices, while providing a high agriculture yield. Taking what he learned from the Chinese during his time there, Chan worked at the UN University in the 1990s and forwarded an approach to Integrated Farming which was termed Integrated Biomass Systems working specifically under the UNU/ZERI ZERI Bag Program. Chan during his work with UNU sought to make the case that Integrated Biomass Systems were well suited to help small island nations and low lying tropical regions become more self-reliant and prosperous in the production of food[3]. Working with ZERI, he developed several prototypes for this approach around the world including sites in Namibia and Fiji. The scientifically verified results in a UNDP sponsored congress in 1997 resulted in the adoption of the IBS by the State Government of Paranà ¡, Brazil where dozens of piggeries have applied the system generating food, energy while improving health and environmental conditions. Montfort Boys Town in Fiji was one of the first Integrated Biomass Systems developed outside of Southeast Asia with the support of UNU, UNDP and other international agencies. The project which is still operational continues to be a model of how farm operations can provide multiple benefits to stakeholders both local and international. ZERI Bag had a significant African component that included assisting Father Godfrey Nzamujo in the development of the Songhai Farm Integrated Farming project in Benin[4] . Most recently The Heifer Foundation a major international NGO based in the USA has taken a lead role in deploying Integrated Farming so that it can be replicated globally as an effective approach to sustainable farming in non-affluent regions such as Vietnam[5]. References 1. ^ Steve Divers work linking Integrated Farming with Permaculture: http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/perma.html 2. ^ Report includes reference to presentation on Integrated Farming by permaculture and ZERI practitioner Eric Fedus and Alexandre Takamatsu 3. ^ Small Islands and ZERI: A unique case for the Application of ZERI: A Paper presented by George Chan of the United Nations University at an International Symposium on Small Islands and Sustainable Development organized by the United Nations University and the National Land Agency of Japan: http://www.gdrc.org/oceans/chan.html 4. ^ ZERI Bag was designed to focus on small scale deployment of appropriate technologies with a focus on the Integrated Biomass System approach developed by ZERI and George Chan http://www.zeri.unam.na/africa.htm 5. ^ http://www.heifer.org/site/c.edJRKQNiFiG/b.2877337/ External links FARRE homepage Integrated farming of fish, crop and livestock Design an construction of an intergated fish farm Integrated Farming System by George Chan wiki on integrated farming Songhai Centre in Benin IPM: In agriculture, integrated pest management (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses a variety of complementary strategies including: mechanical devices, physical devices, genetic, biological, cultural management, and chemical management. These methods are done in three stages: prevention, observation, and intervention. It is an ecological approach with a main goal of significantly reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides while at the same time managing pest populations at an acceptable level.[1] For their leadership in developing and spreading IPM worldwide, Dr. Perry Adkisson and Dr. Ray F. Smith received the 1997 World Food Prize. History of IPM Shortly after World War II, when synthetic insecticides became widely available, entomologists in California developed the concept of supervised insect control. Around the same time, entomologists in cotton-belt states such as Arkansas were advocating a similar approach. Under this scheme, insect control was supervised by qualified entomologists, and insecticide applications were based on conclusions reached from periodic monitoring of pest and natural-enemy populations. This was viewed as an alternative to calendar-based insecticide programs. Supervised control was based on a sound knowledge of the ecology and analysis of projected trends in pest and natural-enemy populations. Supervised control formed much of the conceptual basis for the integrated control that University of California entomologists articulated in the 1950s. Integrated control sought to identify the best mix of chemical and biological controls for a given insect pest. Chemical insecticides were to be used in manner least disruptive to biological control. The term integrated was thus synonymous with compatible. Chemical controls were to be applied only after regular monitoring indicated that a pest population had reached a level (the economic threshold) that required treatment to prevent the population from reaching a level (the economic injury level) at which economic losses would exceed the cost of the artificial control measures. IPM extended the concept of integrated control to all classes of pests and was expanded to include tactics other than just chemical and biological controls. Artificial controls such as pesticides were to be applied as in integrated control, but these now had to be compatible with control tactics for all classes of pests. Other tactics, such as host-plant resistance and cultural manipulations, became part of the IPM arsenal. IPM added the multidisciplinary element, involving entomologists, plant pathologists, nematologists, and weed scientists. In the United States, IPM was formulated into national policy in February 1972 when President Nixon directed federal agencies to take steps to advance the concept and application of IPM in all relevant sectors. In 1979, President Carter established an interagency IPM Coordinating Committee to ensure development and implementation of IPM practices. (references: The History of IPM, BioControl Reference Center. [1] How IPM works An IPM regime can be quite simple or sophisticated. Historically, the main focus of IPM programs was on agricultural insect pests.[2] Although originally developed for agricultural pest management, IPM programs are now developed to encompass diseases, weeds, and other pests that interfere with the management objectives of sites such as residential and commercial structures, lawn and turf areas, and home and community gardens. An IPM system is designed around six basic components: The US Environmental Protection Agency has a useful set of IPM principles. [2] 1. Acceptable pest levels: The emphasis is on control, not eradication. IPM holds that wiping out an entire pest population is often impossible, and the attempt can be more costly, environmentally unsafe, and frequently unachievable. IPM programs first work to establish acceptable pest levels, called action thresholds, and apply controls if those thresholds are crossed. These thresholds are pest and site specific, meaning that it may be acceptable at one site to have a weed such as white clover, but at another site it may not be acceptable. This stops the pest gaining resistance to chemicals produced by the plant or applied to the crops. If many of the pests are killed then any that have resistance to the chemical will rapidly reproduce forming a resistant population. By not killing all the pests there are some un-resistant pests left that will dilute any resistant genes that appear. 2. Preventive cultural practices: Selecting varieties best for local growing conditions, and maintaining healthy crops, is the first line of defense, together with plant quarantine and cultural techniques such as crop sanitation (e.g. removal of diseased plants to prevent spread of infection). 3. Monitoring: Regular observation is the cornerstone of IPM. Observation is broken into two steps, first; inspection and second; identification.[3] Visual inspection, insect and spore traps, and other measurement methods and monitoring tools are used to monitor pest levels. Accurate pest identification is critical to a successful IPM program. Record-keeping is essential, as is a thorough knowledge of the behavior and reproductive cycles of target pests. Since insects are cold-blooded, their physical development is dependent on the temperature of their environment. Many insects have had their development cycles modeled in terms of degree days. Monitor the degree days of an environment to determine when is the optimal time for a specific insects outbreak. 4. Mechanical controls: Should a pest reach an unacceptable level, mechanical methods are the first options to consider. They include simple hand-picking, erecting insect barriers, using traps, vacuuming, and tillage to disrupt breeding. 5. Biological controls: Natural biological processes and materials can provide control, with minimal environmental impact, and often at low cost. The main focus here is on promoting beneficial insects that eat target pests. Biological insecticides, derived from naturally occurring microorganisms (e.g.: Bt, entomopathogenic fungi and entomopathogenic nematodes), also fit in this category. 6. Chemical controls: Synthetic pesticides are generally only used as required and often only at specific times in a pests life cycle. Many of the newer pesticide groups are derived from plants or naturally occurring substances (e.g.: nicotine, pyrethrum and insect juvenile hormone analogues), and further biology-based or ecological techniques are under evaluation. IPM is applicable to all types of agriculture and sites such as residential and commercial structures, lawn and turf areas, and home and community gardens. Reliance on knowledge, experience, observation, and integration of multiple techniques makes IPM a perfect fit for organic farming (the synthetic chemical option is simply not considered). For large-scale, chemical-based farms, IPM can reduce human and environmental exposure to hazardous chemicals, and potentially lower overall costs of pesticide application material and labor. 1. Proper identification of pest What is it? Cases of mistaken identity may result in ineffective actions. If plant damage due to over-watering are mistaken for a fungal infection, a spray may be used needlessly and the plant still dies. 2. Learn pest and host life cycle and biology. At the time you see a pest, it may be too late to do much about it except maybe spray with a pesticide. Often, there is another stage of the life cycle that is susceptible to preventative actions. For example, weeds reproducing from last years seed can be prevented with mulches. Also, learning what a pest needs to survive allows you to remove these. 3. Monitor or sample environment for pest population How many are here? Preventative actions must be taken at the correct time if they are to be effective. For this reason, once you have correctly identified the pest, you begin monitoring BEFORE it becomes a problem. For example, in school cafeterias where roaches may be expected to appear, sticky traps are set out before school starts. Traps are checked at regular intervals so you can see them right away and do something before they get out of hand. Some of the things you might want to monitor about pest populations include: Is the pest present/absent? What is the distribution all over or only in certain spots? Is the pest population increasing or decreasing? 4. Establish action threshold (economic, health or aesthetic) How many are too many? In some cases, a certain number of pests can be tolerated. Soybeans are quite tolerant of defoliation, so if you have only a few caterpillars in the field and their population is not increasing dramatically, there is no need to do anything. Conversely, there is a point at which you MUST do something. For the farmer, that point is the one at which the cost of damage by the pest is MORE than the cost of control. This is an economic threshold. Tolerance of pests varies also by whether or not they are a health hazard (low tolerance) or merely a cosmetic damage (high tolerance in a non-commercial situation). Personal tolerances also vary many people dislike any insect; some people cannot tolerate dandelions in their yards. Different sites may also have varying requirements based on specific areas. White clover may be perfectly acceptable on the sides of a tee box on a golf course, but unacceptable in th e fairway where it could cause confusion in the field of play.[4] 5. Choose an appropriate combination of management tactics For any pest situation, there will be several options to consider. Options include, mechanical or physical control, cultural controls, biological controls and chemical controls. Mechanical or physical controls include picking pests off plants, or using netting or other material to exclude pests such as birds from grapes or rodents from structures. Cultural controls include keeping an area free of conducive conditions by removing or storing waste properly, removing diseased areas of plants properly. Biological controls can be support either through conservation of natural predators or augmentation of natural predators[5]. Augmentative control includes the introduction of naturally occurring predators at either an inundative or inoculative level[6]. An inundative release would be one that seeks to inundate a site with a pests predator to impact the pest population[7][8]. An inoculative release would be a smaller number of pest predators to supplement the natural population and provide ongoing control.[9] Chemical controls would include horticultural oils or the application of pesticides such as insecticides and herbicides. A Green Pest Management IPM program would use pesticides derived from plants, such as botanicals, or other naturally occurring materials. 6. Evaluate results How did it work? Evaluation is often one of the most important steps.[10] This is the process to review an IPM program and the results it generated. Asking the following questions is useful: Did your actions have the desired effect? Was the pest prevented or managed to your satisfaction? Was the method itself satisfactory? Were there any unintended side effects? What will you do in the future for this pest situation? Understanding the effectiveness of the IPM program allows the site manager to make modifications to the IPM plan prior to pests reaching the action threshold and requiring action again. Notes 1. ^ United States Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticides and Food: What Integrated Pest Management Means. 2. ^ http://www.umass.edu/umext/ipm/publications/guidelines/index.html. 3. ^ Bennett, Et Al., Trumans Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations, 6th edition, page 10, Purdue University/Questex Press, 2005. 4. ^ Purdue University Turf Pest Management Correspondence Course, Introduction, 2006 5. ^ http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/IPM/biocontrol/ 6. ^ http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/veg/htms/ecbtrich.htm 7. ^ http://pinellas.ifas.ufl.edu/green_pros/ipm_basics.shtml 8. ^ http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/IPM/biocontrol/Inundative_release.htm 9. ^ http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/IPM/biocontrol/Inoculative_release_.htm 10. ^ Bennett, Et Al., Trumans Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations, 6th edition, page 12, Purdue University/Questex Press, 2005. References * Pests of Landscape Trees and Shrubs: An Integrated Pest Management Guide. Steve H. Dreistadt, Mary Louise Flint, et al., ANR Publications, University of California, Oakland, California, 1994. 328pp, paper, photos, reference tables, diagrams. * Bennett, Gary W., Ph.d., Owens, John M., Ph.d., Corrigan, Robert M, Ph.d. Trumans Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations, 6th Edition, pages 10, 11, 12, Purdue University, Questex, 2005. * Jahn, GC, PG Cox., E Rubia-Sanchez, and M Cohen 2001. The quest for connections: developing a research agenda for integrated pest and nutrient management. pp. 413-430, In S. Peng and B. Hardy [eds.] â€Å"Rice Research for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation.† Proceeding the International Rice Research Conference, 31 March 3 April 2000, Los Baà ±os, Philippines. Los Baà ±os (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. 692 p. * Jahn, GC, B. Khiev, C Pol, N. Chhorn and V Preap 2001. Sustainable pest management for rice in Cambodia. In P. Cox and R Chhay [eds.] â€Å"The Impact of Agricultural Research for Development in Southeast Asia† Proceedings of an International Conference held at the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 24-26 Oct. 2000, Phnom Penh (Cambodia): CARDI. * Jahn, GC, JA Litsinger, Y Chen and A Barrion. 2007. Integrated Pest Management of Rice: Ecological Concepts. In Ecologically Based Integrated Pest Management (eds. O. Koul and G.W. Cuperus). CAB International Pp. 315-366. * Kogan, M 1998. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT:Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Developments, Annual Review of Entomology Vol. 43: 243-270 (Volume publication date January 1998) (doi:10.1146/annurev.ento.43.1.243) * Nonveiller, Guido 1984. Catalogue commentà © et illustrà © des insectes du Cameroun dintà ©rà ªt agricole: (apparitions, rà ©partition, importance) / University of Belgrade/Institut pour la protection des plantes * US Environmental Protection Ag

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free College Essays - The Role Model in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn: His Role Model Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is written from the view point of the boy Huckleberry Finn. He tells about the adventures he is having on the Mississippi River with a runaway slave, whose name is Jim. It becomes apparent early in the book that there are a couple of people who play major roles in Huck's life. One is Jim and the other is Tom Sawyer, the person Huck wishes he could be like. Tom Sawyer is a leader to Huck from the very beginning of the book, when Huck is living with the Widow Douglas. She is raising Huck because his father is a drunk and is not in the area. Huck is doing fine living with the Widow Douglas for awhile, but he soon tires of her way of life. Huck does not like having to stay clean all the time and having to wear neat clothes. He also doesn't appreciate her attempting to civilize him, so he puts on his old rags and leaves. Tom Sawyer is the one who is able to convince Huck to come back to the widow and "be respectable" (p. 1). Huck wants to be a part of Tom's gang, so he agrees to go back. It takes a certain type of person to make Huck willing to go home because it is a lifestyle he really doesn't like. Tom has that kind of control over Huck's decisions. Another reason that Huck looks up to Tom as a role model is that Huck feels Tom is more intelligent than himself. Huck is amazed by how brilliant Tom is. "What a head for just a boy to have! If I had Tom Sawyer's head I wouldn't trade it off to be a duke, nor mate of a steamboat, nor clown in a circus, nor nothing I can think of" (p. 236). It isn't simply that Tom is smarter. It is that Tom often makes Huck feel he isn't as smart. One example is when the two boys are trying to free Jim. Huck doesn't understand why they have to do things the hard way. That is when Tom says, "Oh, shucks, Huck Finn, if I was as ignorant as you I'd keep still" (p. 243). Tom also says, "Why, hain't you ever read any books at all?" (p. 242). It is true that Tom has more schooling than Huck, and this also plays a role into Huck's belief that Tom is smarter.