
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Narrative of My Escape from Slavery :: essays research papers

This book is rough a slave with a half-white mother and a white father. He was born in North Carolina and missed death in the archetypal few days of his life. His mothers mistress wanted to knock off him because he was the son of his mothers slave master. She went to his mothers room at night with a knife but his grandmother saved his life. Not to long afterwards that he and his mother were s former(a). When he was about six or seven years old his mothers old master died which lead to any the saves being divided between the children. He was sent to his fathers wifes brother-in-law this separated him from his mother. The path they were divided was that divers(prenominal) names of the slaves were written on a piece of paper and put into a box. Then the children would all draw from the box and see whom they get. He was and then sent hundreds of miles out-of-door from his mother to the southerlyern states of America. He caused this being sold to a blackness principal. The Tr ader, Mr. Mitchell, was sell a mound of slaves on the way down south but found it hard to sell him. He was a lot whiter then the other slaves which was a problem. This resulted to him being sent to Mr. Seed who he stayed with for a year. He to a fault had a hard time selling him. He was finally sold to a man named Dr. Jones who was a physician and Cotton Planter. He was taught to mix medicines and sent to the cotton plantation. He also did work in the doctors home. A few months after he was then sold to a man named Mr. Smith. He was then about twelve years old. For the next eight years he would be sold to many different traders in many different places. After many trades, a man named Mr. Gooch who lived in Cashaw County, South Carolina, outright owned him. HE was immediately set to the cotton plantation to work. Mr. Gooch gave him lolly and meat for allowance. That still wasnt half enough for him to live on. He was giving hard labor with made him think of his fellow-slaves. HE became pall of the work and tried to run away. He was caught by a trader and set to Lancaster Gaol. Here slaves advertise for their masters to own them.

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